Everything about this edition screams "Classics Deluxe", but I guess that O stamp takes priority.
Everything about this edition screams "Classics Deluxe", but I guess that O stamp takes priority.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the best of all possible Oprah book editions, it was the book whose ending made me weep publicly more than any other...
O, my dearest Love! Remember how strong we are in our happiness, and how weak he is in his misery!" ~
?️ Sprinted to the finish line in the latter half of this well known classic with quotable opening lines. I'll admit the beginning was a little slow for me, but when things picked up it was full speed ahead as the layers of the story begin to unfold.
Time for true confessions here... Besides A Christmas Carol (which I don't love), I have never read any Charles Dickens. I've tried twice to read Tale of Two Cities and bailed both times. I just cannot make myself read Dickens. His books are so crazy long, and I just haven't liked them enough to keep going. I'm feeling like I just need to make myself give him another try this year. Any suggestions from Dickens fans as to which one to try?
It took me ages to think of this answer to the challenge #opposites for #riotgrams. I blame the heat.