So many literary and historical connections in here. The first poem had me floored because it reminded me so much of LEMONADE and Warsan Shire‘s poetry in it.
So many literary and historical connections in here. The first poem had me floored because it reminded me so much of LEMONADE and Warsan Shire‘s poetry in it.
Current poetry read!
I‘ve had this poem in my head ever since my father died 27 years ago this month but I couldn‘t remember who wrote it or where I‘d read it. Thanks Donald Quist for bringing this Alice Walker gem back to me. ❤️
Knitting a new pair of socks using some awesome indie dyed Australian yarn, listening to an Irish crime novel on Audible and its living in one of @bookgogo new project bags, I got the prototype from Mum tonight and I'm loving it. Plus have the bed Tom myself because the gentleman is in court in regional nsw somewhere! Loving life tonight 😍😍😍