Took a moment from binge watching Making a murderer to let you know I received your package. Can‘t wait! #witchpleaseswap
Took a moment from binge watching Making a murderer to let you know I received your package. Can‘t wait! #witchpleaseswap
Happy Saturday everyone!!!! Coming up your #secretsanta BookSwap matches! Look out for that email :)
Right now I am so so so pissed. The us mail is a joke. I went to mail my #summersantgoespostal and get told I can't mail it Book rate because it rattles (okay that one I actually know but I had to try). Then I have these small prize envelopes to mail out for #booklove17 (found some I forgot to mail sooty guys) and they were already stamped and ready to go and I got told I had to add more postage. WTF. I get told something new every time. ⬇️
Sorry. Reading this book is like being forced to watch a documentary on photosynthesis. It isn't what you want. The idea is so-so but the writing is horrendous.
Don't read it. Burn it.