4/5 for this one! That ending!! I have to read the next one right away. I‘m hooked on this series. I have no idea where it is going to go but I‘m here for it.
4/5 for this one! That ending!! I have to read the next one right away. I‘m hooked on this series. I have no idea where it is going to go but I‘m here for it.
#currentlyreading this one and hoping to finish soon! If you love books about mythical creatures (especially dragons) then you should give this series a try! It's about dragons attempting to fit into the human world and what happens when they fit in too well.
This books picks up the pace of this series, which is good b/c there are at least two more. Continuing the human vs dragon drama, Soldier reveals a lot of info and kicks off events clearly leading toward a final battle. The addition of Dante as a POV and flashbacks of Garret's early days in the Order of St. George give a broader view of the conflict at hand. Oh, and plenty of "Will she choose Suitor 1 or 2?" Gotta have that.
#LitsyAtoZ K
My ever-expanding pile of books to read for the panel I'm moderating on setting in SF/F at New York Comic Con in October. Hope to see some of you there!
So apparently there are 5 books in the series, it's not a trilogy. Which became apparent 70% of the way through. Intrigued enough to keep listening, but I only find this series decent. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
I knew it! I knew that something bad was going to happen at the end. Why couldn't you have just left him alone? Hate the fact that I have to wait for LEGION to come out to find out what happens next.
So very close to finishing this book... I'm kind of terrified to know what is going to go wrong - Everything seems to be going to easily right now
This book was packed with anticipation and action. It signifies the importance of making a choice versus letting your fate decide for you, and in choosing the side of truth no matter the consequences. Yet Julie Kagawa does it again in keeping me in the dark until the next book. That ending! Ugh. 😫
Dragons-one of my favorite mythical creatures ever told. Though the series may be far from the world found in stories like "The Inheritance Cycle" (which is one of my faves!), the Talon series is all about fighting for what being both a human and a dragon means amidst an endless war bet the 2 races.