Great read, gripping story based on some true facts.
Great read, gripping story based on some true facts.
Andy Gross‘ second foray into the historical thriller field is a great read. Not as dark as THE ONE MAN, it fictionalizes the story of an amazing commando mission in WW2 that stopped Germany‘s nuclear program in its tracks. Filled with great characters and against all odds heroism, and enough harsh blizzards to make a Canadian shiver THE SABOTEUR thrills, surprises and satisfies.
Finished listening to this on my trip home today. I enjoyed this book - I didn‘t know much about this aspect of WWII. It kept me captivated all the way through.
After really enjoying The One Man last year, I had high hopes for this one! Set in WWII and mainly Norway, the book is actually a simple, fast paced read that relies on telling and never fully develops any of the characters... but the clandestine nature involves some #SlipperyPeople #Rocktober
My nightstand reading pile is definitely my #OctoberTBR - excited to get started on it this evening!! #SpookyOctober @Jess7
Good book. Not his best ever. Little too much telling what was going to happen but still worth the read.