Continuing the #20in4 at one of my local beaches today! Lake Huron is so gorgeous and the weather is just perfect on this Memorial Day!
This wasn‘t too bad. Another quick and easy cozy mystery. I loved Dog and the addition of the ghosts, but I didn‘t feel that attached to any of the characters and I didn‘t feel like there were any good signs hinting towards the killer. Still it accomplished what I wanted it to do which was distract me for a few hours.
Trying to keep myself distracted tonight by alternating reading this and working on my NaNo, but I feel so sick from anxiety and stress that focusing has been difficult. At least my word count is getting boosted I guess 😪
The books I'm distracting myself with today.
True story: Today sucks. My stomach is killing me from anxiety. The enormity of a lifetime of identity theft problems because of something out of my control is seriously sapping my will to even bother with anything. Everything I save can be stolen from me now, and it's up to me to prove them wrong. WTF bother building anything? /depressive spiel.