My favorite of these one off stories in the Riyria world. It definitely gives some interesting background about the history of the world. 4.5⭐️ a book off of my #Roll100 list
My favorite of these one off stories in the Riyria world. It definitely gives some interesting background about the history of the world. 4.5⭐️ a book off of my #Roll100 list
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This short review is for The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter, book 4 in the Chronicles series. I purchased directly from the author to read it early! I love these prequel installments to Revelations. They are fun and action-packed and written in a way that will satisfy any Royce and Hadrian fan! I'll always recommend Michael J Sullivan's work. It's imaginative with well thought out plots that weave together! #riyria
Woke up like 🤧😷🤒 Holidays are over (finally!) Time to tackle the last half of MJS's latest prequel! So far this one is a little lighter on the action, but I feel like it's heavier on the humor. I just need bighead to scooch over. #riyria #saturday #ebook #myfaveduo #dogsoflitsy
I'm actually reading The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter, by Michael J Sullivan. But I bought directly from the author so I didn't have to wait for the June 5th release! Other than that, candy, candles and a DVR full of Hallmark Christmas Movies! Happy Saturday! #Saturday #michaeljsullivan #riyria #fantasy #hallmarkcoma
My name is in a book! I love Riyria and I can't wait to read Disappearance of Winter's Daughter! Just need to finish Heir of Novron first!
#riyria #kickstarter #fantasy
Finished this on drive down to NYC...almost cried because I'm not out of Royce and Hadrian stories and that makes me so sad. I love these characters and I love reading about their adventures. December seems like such a long wait for the next one.
Oh townies - you really shouldn't do that...you don't want to see what Royce does to those who harm his friends. I almost feel bad for you...almost
Started this one this morning and while same narrator as all the other the voices all sound different
" Two months and three days, Sire." Perkins Fallinwell, the king's body man, replied. Fallinwell had one of the most hallarious names Christopher had ever heard. There had to be a story behind it, but Perkins, being the pinched-nosed, prune-lipped tosser he was, refused to divulge a word of it.
December TBR
I have 10 books left to meet my Goodreads goal. It's highly unlikely I'll make it but here goes
Death at Dulgath by Michael Jackson Sullivan
Eleven Pipers Piping by C C Benson
Clean by Alex Hughes
At the Mountains of Madness by HP Lovecraft
Crown of Midnight
Heir of Fire
Queen of Shadows
Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas
Cold Forged Flame by Maria Brennan
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling
I love books with maps. I was told to read it, that I would thank them later. Hmm, gauntlet thrown, challenge accepted. 😜
I'll let you know.... 📚🐲