1st book in my cart during #BBWManila19 🤩😌
Well, I‘ve had these for months and it‘s finally time to return them. My awesome dad let us borrow them, and it‘s been fun to geek out a bit. I don‘t normally keep books for months, but these were a special case. And now I feel like I need to reread LOTR and The Hobbit. ❤️🤓
This is an excellent reference for any hardcore Tolkien fans, or anyone who wants to more fully understand the universe of Lord of the Rings. Very similar to A Tolkien Bestiary, but a bit more complete. Lots of great illustrations and packed with timelines and details about the history of Middle-Earth.
So many beautiful illustrations in this book. It‘s really been a pleasure to go through them all.
I meant to post this earlier. I was at my dads house recently and admiring his Tolkien bookshelf (he‘s a HUGE Tolkien fan) and he lent me these three. They‘re so fun! Filled with information about the Tolkien universe, and really beautiful illustrations! ❤️