Can‘t stop smiling from ear to ear.
Haven‘t been reading because... 😅🤓
I know I‘m soooo late to the party (even though I‘ve had the book since it got out), but I‘m halfway. Yey. 😅🤓 Thinking of re-reading the Grisha trilogy after, before moving on to King of Scars. 🤓
While I‘m still in that place where I want to start a new book but I don‘t know what new book, will just be re-reading these staples. 😅😍
1st book in my cart during #BBWManila19 🤩😌
Two for the weekend. 😍📚
Top: one of the year‘s (MY year‘s, to be exact) most awaited book sequels from one of my favorite authors 💙💙💙💙
Bottom: one my favorite reads for the year (which I have since been telling anyone who can read to read) 😅😍🤓
But I‘m also reading two more other books on the side. 😅
#bookpolygamist #bookgeekery #museofnightmares #thekissquotient
I literally sleep with these books by my side. 😅
Just finished ACOFAS and been meaning to re-read Six of Crows (for a year now, I think 😅😅😅) before reading Crooked Kingdom. The other titles have been counting years, as well, on my tbr. 😅 #booknerdproblems #mytbrlistisnotlongenough
Due to insistent public (aka my mother) demand, I opened my 75th Anniversary edition Edith Hamilton‘s Mythology and is now painstakingly covering it before it goes out of the library. #bookgeekery 📚#mythology #edithhamilton
Though it has taken 3 months to finally finish it, I‘m still inclined to rate this book as one hell of a PICK.
2 years after, I still haven‘t read it. 😭 #mytbrlistisnotlongenough
Currently reading... among other titles. 😅 I‘m having a hard time finishing this one 😔, even though it‘s one by my favorite authors. I think I have already read the first part 3x now. 🤫
I said to myself, I‘m just going to look and browse... I saw these and I suddenly had tunnel vision. Resistance was futile. 😬🤓📚 #bookgeekery #veschwab #princessesbehavingbadly #bookdate
Hauled earlier. Seems like my batting average per booksale so far is 5. 😅 But I‘m real giddy about finding #scarlettepsteinhatesithere (otherwise known as the book that had me crying at 3 in the morning) in hardback 🎉🤩😭 and because #mytbrlistisnotlongenough just neverending, more titles! #hahahuhu #bookgeekery 🤓📚#nbswarehousesale
I want one. 🤓
Someone finally gave me the last book of series. 😊 Time to cover these babies. 🤓📚
#bigbadwolf spoils 2.0 🤩📚🤓 #bookgeekery #hardbackbooks
My dose of happy for today: the early Book Depository package and the Sherlock bookmark souvenir from a friend who just came from the UK. ☺️
Big Bad Wolf‘s in Manila! My kind-of-measly haul. Admitedly, I was not in fine form. 😅
Sarah Andersen is my spirit animal. ☺️
Lesser footnotes, ample "WHAT.THE.FUCK." moments, too much awesomeness.
Hello, weekend read. 📚🤓
Lucky find. ✨Found this hardbound copy in the bookstore's sale bin for half the original price. Woot. 🎉
I'm wondering why others have a problem with this book. It's FANFREAKINGTASTIC. The writing style, the characters, the footnotes, how it makes you grip the edge of your seat. Just. Effing. Awesome.
"The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us...." ❤️ TRUTH. ?❤️
Always a delight re-reading this one. ❤️📚
Delivered these goodies to a fellow book addict. 🤓📚 #bookgeekery
Loving the #bookdepository bookmark that came with. Such contrast with the book's cover. ❤️🤓📚 #bookgeekery #veschwab #vicious
3 days in... Slowly reading this one and letting all the feels drown me.