My first encounter with famous Henry James. I like his writing style but the story itself left me a bit bewildered. I'm not really sure what to think of it. But I guess sooner or later I'll read another book by James and I wonder how that'll be.
My first encounter with famous Henry James. I like his writing style but the story itself left me a bit bewildered. I'm not really sure what to think of it. But I guess sooner or later I'll read another book by James and I wonder how that'll be.
My Fierce Reads author panel was tonight! I was suuuuper nervous but they were all so great 💓
(Mary E. Pearson, Taran Matharu, Tricia Levenseller, and Maurene Goo)
Day long meeting. Long and boring in a cold, cold room. Thinking of this photo from last summer. Where, oh where is my book? #academiclife #IJustWannaRead #ThisCouldHaveBeenDoneByEmail #I‘mNotKidding