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La donna mancina
La donna mancina | Peter Handke
7 posts | 5 read | 3 to read
Una vita pura, essenziale, che brilla nei dettagli minimi. Claudio Magris DA QUESTO ROMANZO IL FILM OMONIMO DI PETER HANDKE Questo romanzo forse tra i pi rappresentativi della cultura di lingua tedesca degli ultimi anni. Al suo apparire in Italia, La donna mancina riscosse successo di pubblico particolarmente sensibile alla questione femminile e di critica: Claudio Magris vi scorse la manifestazione di una vita pura, essenziale, che brilla nei dettagli minimi, e Alighiero Chiusano fu pronto a scommettere sulla sua durata a dispetto di tante altre roboanti cosmogonie sperimentali. Lasciate cadere le trasgressioni astute e plateali degli anni Sessanta, limplacabile e delicata macchina narrativa di Handke ha conquistato uno sguardo limpido e impassibile come quello di una macchina da presa. Quello sguardo offre qui lindimenticabile ritratto di una donna sulla soglia misteriosa della sua lunga stagione di solitudine.
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Left Handed Women | Peter Handke
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Who's with me!?

Left Handed Women | Peter Handke
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International left handers day! Who is with me? @MrBook

Megabooks Me!! 5y
MrBook Oh yeah! 💁🏼‍♂️🕺 5y
Crazeedi YES!!! Lefties rock the world!!💖😍 5y
19 likes4 comments

I really liked the writing style. And also the peculiar way that people treat each other in the story.

The woman begins a process of getting stronger and more confident in her "loneliness" and this shows also in a lot of metaphores, which I like to interpret.

All in all it is a great book for a rainy afternoon at home. It is only 130 pages long.

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Starting this tiny book on my way to a concert where I'm gonna be the pianist of a group

Lynnsoprano What are you playing? 5y
cristalito @Lynnsoprano we played Don't know why from Norah Jones and Havana :) 5y
Lynnsoprano Wonderful! 5y
Lynnsoprano You must be an excellent musician 😊 5y
cristalito @Lynnsoprano Well, thanks a lot! I woyld say I still have a loot to learn. Music seems to be endless. Endless and beautiful 5y
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Left Handed Women | Peter Handke
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1. Janet Jackson
2. 120 books is my goal and I've read 115 books so far.
3. About 30 minutes physical book, and 2 hours of audiobook
4. Not really
5. I'm left handed

@MinDea #HumpDayPost

Trashcanman I'm left handed too! Eat left handed! But I bat right handed and throw right handed. I fold clothes left handed. And I shoot rifles right handed. And I use left handed scissors. 6y
jenniferw88 @MirrorMask @Trashcanman I'm predominantly left-handed but can be ambidextrous when needed! 6y
MirrorMask @jenniferw88 @Trashcanman Deleted my comment. What I meant to say was that I've never met a leftie that isn't somewhat ambidextrous. 6y
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Bostonmomx2 I‘m a leftie too!! Usually. When I played softball, I threw left but hit right. I‘m a little strange 😳 6y
Bostonmomx2 @Trashcanman lol I just said the same thing about softball! And then I read yours about guns and I realized I shoot right as well! 6y
TheKidUpstairs Janet!!! 💖💖💖 6y
HOTPock3tt Janet!! ❤️🎉🙌🏽 6y
75 likes7 comments
Left Handed Women | Peter Handke
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There is something quite alluring and elusive about this novella. I read it twice in one weekend (maybe because NJ transit was a mess and the hour trip to my friends place took 4 hours). Composed of disconnected vignettes there is not much plot. The reader is held at a distance from the action and characters, only shown brief glimpses. The fascination lies in the effort to fill in the missing pieces. #1001books