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Secrets of Cavendon
Secrets of Cavendon: A Novel | Barbara Taylor Bradford
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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Barbara Taylor Bradford, comes a striking, breathtaking saga featuring the aristocratic Inghams and the Swann family, who have loyally served them for generations. It’s the summer of 1949, and things have run smoothly at Cavendon Hall for years, with very few quarrels, dramas, or upsets between the two families. But since the end of World War II, changes have arrived at Cavendon. A new generation is at the helm, and also at the forefront of new scandal and intrigue. With romance, betrayal, heartbreak, and possible murder threatening to tear them apart, the Inghams and Swanns will have to find a way to come together and protect each other in the face of threats they never could have predicted. Told with Bradford’s inimitable deftness of prose and a beloved cast of characters, Secrets of Cavendon is a captivating novel that will draw readers in and grip them until the very last page.
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Secrets of Cavendon: A Novel | Barbara Taylor Bradford
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January 3, 2018 1st book this year!!! 🎆🎊🎈Loved this book, love this series. Picks up in the late 1940s and the young Inghams and Swanns are taking over the storyline.

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Secrets of Cavendon: A Novel | Barbara Taylor Bradford
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I had a meeting with some of my local legislators to talk about education this morning. It was fantastic and productive, but frankly, a little exhausting! I‘m going to give myself a half hour with this beautiful book to recharge, and then I‘ll get back to life.

Do you ever need recharge time with a book after taxing events? What do you like to read in those situations?

Eggs Legislators and education: Oy vey 7y
SandyW For me, the genre doesn't matter so much as the quality of writing. I need the story to pull me in enough to muffle the echoes of whatever annoying experience I've just had. 7y
Kendra.Diane Beautiful cover! 7y
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Kristyngansen @Eggs you‘re telling me. 😬 7y
Kristyngansen @SandyW I agree. When I need that break, I don‘t focus on a genre so much as I focus on something engrossing. 7y
Kristyngansen @Kendra.Diane it is, isn‘t it? 😜 7y
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Secrets of Cavendon: A Novel | Barbara Taylor Bradford
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I‘m excited to keep reading Secrets of Cavendon this evening. 🙂 I love historical fiction.

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Secrets of Cavendon: A Novel | Barbara Taylor Bradford
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This is what my #Tbr for December looks like. I‘ve finished Christmas in London and have moved on to Secrets of Cavendon. (Thanks to St. Martin‘s Press for sending copies of those.)

Have you read any of these? Which should I read next? 🙂 #christmasbooks

jfalkens I loved Turtles All The Way Down 7y
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