I may or may not have shed a few tears reading this. In part because I admire the Obamas. They carry themselves with dignity, compassion and a healthy dose of frivolity. Also in part to the images captured with him & his daughters. I lost my dad at 22 and have a hard time seeing scenes of father/daughter moments w/o getting slightly emotional. I‘m inspired to do better noting the story behind my pics.
#blitsy #blacklitsy
Ready for Black History Month. #blackhistorymonth #books #children #africanamerican #picturebooks
I was browsing the big fat Obama photo book by Souza but was instantly charmed by this distilled version for younger readers. It has highlights from his presidency and the BEST photos. This read was both sad for what is now in the past and yet inspiring to read through and appreciate the man & the moments captured. Souza is an amazing photographer. And now I miss President 44 even more...which I did not think was possible.