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Knitting Loom Guide | Kristen K Mangus
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A few months ago I went careening down the loom/circular machine/flatbed machine knitting youtube rabbit hole. Flatbed looks intriguing, but expensive. Jury‘s still out on circular machine. Looming was affordable and now here I am playing around with Loops & Threads build-a- loom trying to figure the sourcery of this. Are there any #CraftersofLitsy who knit with different methods? I admire you because this looming has my mind 🤯

Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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My June #roll100:
🎲 66 a BOTM pick
🎲 7 an audible credit pick
🎲 24 on my TBR

House of Leaves | Mark Z Danielewski
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I knew immediately what I will be choosing for #TPRC Katherine Martell - a book you had/will have to push yourself through.
My kryptonite book is House of Leaves. I tried solo, buddy reads, chapter a day. Only to pull the parachute cord and bail. 🪂
YouTuber Oskar/A Theory Reader has taken on the brave task of audiobooking HoL. I want to wait until he‘s finished with it before I make another attempt at it.
Links in comments ⬇️

Leftcoastzen 😻I‘ve had it sitting there for years. A friend of mine really liked it. 2mo
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SconsinBookyBadger @Leftcoastzen last time I read HoL I made it half way through. I‘m more hopeful now that a YouTuber is audiobooking it. 😸 2mo
Yuki_Onna Woooha! 🤯 The House of Leaves - the Behemoth... I'm beyond impressed!!!! 2mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Yuki_Onna if Mt Everest was a book it would be this one 🏔️🧗‍♀️ 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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#SundayFunday on a Monday Runday.
My go-to reads are usually Alice in Wonderland, The Princess Bride, Watership Down, Black Beauty, and Octavia Butler‘s Parable duology. Occasionally other books get thrown in the mix. Some time down the road I plan on re-reading Neil Gaiman‘s The Sandman graphic novels.

BookmarkTavern All wonderful picks! Thanks for posting! 2mo
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For funsies I looked up the paprika hendl recipe that zonked out John boy. There are plenty of blogs to bookmark for future cooking experiments. Though I have to share this screenshot posted on Reddit.
Mem. Must go food shopping next Friday.

Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Oh hey! I guess I‘m joining the group of littens who are participating in #DraculaDaily. It was a last minute decision to sign up for Mark Kirkland‘s email when I saw @BookmarkTavern admirable Drac stack. 🧛🏻‍♂️

Graciouswarriorprincess I did this last year and actually met him in person. So fun! Enjoy!! 3mo
BookmarkTavern Yay! Welcome aboard! 🦇 3mo
Leftcoastzen Awww😻 3mo
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Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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May‘s #roll100
🎲 29 on my tbr
🎲 59 a re-read
🎲 62 haven‘t read yet BOTM

PuddleJumper Looks great! 3mo
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Spending my “appreciate you covering extra shifts” gift card on cat food for the domesticated mountain lion and a book for me.
#TPRC prompt 5 Deputy Hawk: book by #indigenousauthor (no matter which country)

Yuki_Onna Oohhh, keep seeing this one around. Can you recommend it? 3mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Yuki_Onna I‘ve been seeing positive reviews by people. I personally don‘t know yet. My reading time has been non stop interrupted. Hopefully I‘ll get to read something this weekend. 3mo
slategreyskies I just checked this out from the library. It looks good! 3mo
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The day to read the hexalogy series has arrived. I had to complete my set since I stopped at Library of Souls. Distracted by other books was more of a cause than lack of interest that paused the continuation of reading the Peculiar Children series. I have to finish The Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home. Then it‘s onto MGHfPC

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A little book splurging therapy after enduring a chaotic work week. I ordered all of them online since they‘re listed as out of stock at my B&N. And now I wait for the Shanghai star crossed lovers and their gang to arrive in the mail. Except Our Violent Ends. That‘s a pre-order to a June release.

Untitled | Unknown
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I have yet to read my March books 🫣 so they will be joining my April #roll100 stack.

🎲 100 a re-read. Or rather a re-listen of the audiobook I own.
🎲 6 tbr from my 2023 list.
🎲 74 a book I selected from my lapsed BOTM.


PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 4mo
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I have my book & snacks. Pistachio settled down too soon & I‘m about to commit a crime. 🙀 That‘s right I have to move Pistachio to get my mug of coffee I was brewing.


Leftcoastzen 😂😾 4mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Leftcoastzen and Pistachio gave me a well deserved paw swat 🐾 😼 4mo
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Damn fine day to re-read tagged book, but first try to convince Pistachio to use a roomier box to nap in.
The Double R #TwinPeaksReadingChallenge

Jari-chan If cat sits, it fits 😸 5mo
RaeLovesToRead Aww, kitty delivery!!! 😁 5mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Jari-chan cat logic is quite an entertainment 😹 5mo
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SconsinBookyBadger @RaeLovesToRead the best delivery! 😺 5mo
Yuki_Onna The smaller the box, the better 😁👏
You're really taking #TPRC to another level! 👍
SconsinBookyBadger @Yuki_Onna I had to get the book once I saw Kyle MacLachlan‘s IG reel for Twin Peaks Day 😂 5mo
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Thank you littens for the birthday wishes! As part of what the card says “you‘re tutu fabulous! And a happy birthday to @Lovesbooks87 🥳

Texreader Happy birthday!! 🎁🎂🎉🎈🎊 5mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Texreader thank you 😄 5mo
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Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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My March #roll100
🎲 79 The Vanishing Half ~ I‘m having a deja book moment. I swear I‘ve read it before 🤔
🎲 48 We Ate the Dark ~ from my TBR 📚
🎲 67 Infinite Country ~ from my bookshelf, haven‘t been read yet 📖

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I have one more shift to get through and then it‘s a much overdue 5 day weekend off! Gee I wonder what my plans are going to be? 🧐

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I still have a stack of books that I used up renewals on to read through. Yet here I am checking out two more books. Both new to me authors Lauren Groff for #authoramonth and out of view Kiersten White for a fable bookclub.

Soubhiville I hope you‘ll enjoy them 🙂 3mo
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The Water Dancer: A Novel | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Another book captured by Pistachio. It‘s ok. I was better prepared today with a stack in reach this time.
#catsoflitsy #kittensagainstliterature

Jari-chan Kitty owners have to adapt 😸 5mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Jari-chan a lesson I should‘ve been prepared for yesterday 😹 5mo
RaeLovesToRead 🥰🥰🥰😸 5mo
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I‘m a cat of course I‘ll lay down on that book you want to read.
#catsoflitsy #kal

Mitch Gorgeous colour kitty 🐱 6mo
tpixie 😂🐱😹 6mo
Jari-chan So comfy 😻❤️ 6mo
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SconsinBookyBadger @Mitch pistachio says thank you! 🐾💕 6mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Jari-chan best cat napping spot 😸💤 6mo
Leftcoastzen Of course!😸 6mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Leftcoastzen no reading for me until he moved 😹 6mo
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My planned #roll100 for February:
44 🎲 is a new TBR
50 🎲 another new TBR
76 🎲 is a re-read


PuddleJumper Good luck! 6mo
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The Vampire Lestat | Anne Rice
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Screenshot from Books in the Freezer insta-reel. A hilarious annotation inspired by if Lestat was written during GRWM popularity.
Annotation reads: Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel.

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I made it to the pentalogy book series of my reading challenge. My library loans for Catherynne Valente‘s Fairyland series arrived in the nick of time. A second storm is on its way starting 3am Friday and continuing into noon Saturday.

Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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2024‘s #roll100 new-ish list is complete. It‘s a hodgepodge of 2023‘s books, new TBRs, and re-reads.
To be ringing in the NewYear will be 🎲 19, a 2023 Roll 100 book 🎲 83 is a re-read and so is 🎲 78.


PuddleJumper 💜💜 7mo
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The Hunger Games | Suzanne Collins
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Cat tucked away in his blanket fort ✔️
Book for me ✔️
Let the Saturday reading game begin! 📚
May the odds of a coworker not to disturb me be in our favor. 📴

The Drunken Botanist | Amy Stewart
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Last month of 2023‘s #roll100. 🎲 I‘m not feeling motivated by my choices for 9/90 or 53. So it‘ll only be no. 27 getting read for December.


PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 8mo
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Spotify is including audiobooks with premium membership. Alas there‘s restrictions of allotted time being set at 15 hours per month. It‘s a start anyways to getting some of those tbrs that fall under less time. Just not you Fairytale 😔. I‘m off to search for something else.

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Onto my next -ology book series; the tetralogy 📚 From what I can tell The Hunger Games isn‘t called that yet. More of a trilogy plus prequel. I‘m using these books anyways since I already own them.

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While out shopping for cat supplies, I swung by B&N blocks away down the street. Pistachio isn‘t the only one getting pampered today.

GondorGirl Pistachio is a wonderful cat name! 10mo
SconsinBookyBadger @GondorGirl Pistachio says thank you! 🐾 😸 10mo
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The Heart Forger | Rin Chupeco
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Next up for my trilogy book project is The Bone Witch series. I‘ve read Bone Witch a while ago and will be re-reading it again during my luxurious weekend off. Heart Forger and Shadow Glass to follow soon-ish.

Unmasked: Memoir | PAUL. HOLES
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My weekend off is all booked 😁 I‘m going the checked out at library route for my Fable books.
With Poe, I‘m only reading “The Fall of the House of Usher” along with What Moves the Dead. These Violent Delights is the book chosen for duology prompt.
⬇️Fable links in the comments⬇️

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Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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As I mentioned in previous post. I was inspired by a random booktuber that YT recommended based on my watch history. First prompt from Benghis Kahn‘s video is Standalone. Tagged book gets the win on this.
I had to buy a second book to replace the Good Omens I lost on a road trip years ago. Original GO I hope you found a good home in South Dakota.

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A YouTube recommendation I actually like to see pop up. I‘m borrowing inspiration from Benghis Khan‘s video to brainstorm what to read next throughout September.


Cages | Dave McKean
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Yay! I found #roll100 book no. 4 at a library branch in my city! It‘s been on my tbr for years and endured being shoved back for other books.


Leftcoastzen Pretty kitty!😻 11mo
PuddleJumper 😻😻 Pretty cat! Also amazing you find the book 🤣 11mo
SconsinBookyBadger @Leftcoastzen @PuddleJumper thank you! I‘m always annoying Pistachio with the camera 😁 11mo
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We Hunt the Flame | Hafsah Faizal
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Ending the #20in4 at chapter 6 of The Empress of Time and chapter 54 of We Hunt the Flame, a re-read to jog my memory to the Sands of Arawiya duology.

Thank you @Andrew65 for hosting!

The Empress of Time | Kylie Lee Baker
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I just have Desert Creatures to finish for #rushathon. Then I‘m definitely continuing into #20in4 with tagged book. Feeling confident while recuperating from reading slump, I may have gone overboard pairing duologies I own along with second books from the library . I couldn‘t decide which series to read Friday-Monday so I checked them all out. 🤭
#rushathon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
#20in4 @Andrew65

DieAReader ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 11mo
Andrew65 Love it! Best of luck 😁 11mo
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The Keeper of Night | Kylie Lee Baker
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Chapter six of tagged book with a side of Pistachio toe beans.
@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 11mo
Andrew65 A good way to do it! 11mo
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I recently signed up on the fable app to join LeVar Burton‘s Book Club. There‘s a several months wait list for the club‘s current read Heaven and Earth at the Grocery Store with local library, interloans, and on the libby app. Since last month‘s tagged book is available I‘ll be listening to that one for the #rushathon.

@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 12mo
Andrew65 Hope you enjoy it. 11mo
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The Keeper of Night | Kylie Lee Baker
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Once my bookshelf organizing was finished I contemplated what in the world did I want to read for the #rushathon. Oh, it‘s going somewhere! Inspired by a Friends episode I chose to read the last #botm book and the first #aardvark book I bought.
@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader ❤️‍🔥🥳🤓📚 12mo
Andrew65 Love it! 12mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Good timing to hop on Litsy to see a readathon taking place. This reading slump that continues to drag me down needs to be away with. idk what goals I plan on setting except open a book! Or ear bud my way through August. I do have to organize my bookshelf and see what credits I racked up on my Libro.fm. So I‘ll see what captures my eyes. 📚👀

#rushathon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader Great idea! Good luck🤓📚❤️‍🔥 12mo
Andrew65 Best of luck, I‘m just coming out of a big reading slump so can totally empathise. I hope the Readathon helps 😁 12mo
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I‘ve got a theory somekitty was not amused by me sneaking out for snacks to nosh on while reading book no. 51.

#roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 😻😻 1y
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#Readingslump sidelined me again. Hopefully Alice and company gets me out of the doldrums.

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TIL Ginnifer Goodwin assumed OUAT producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz were inspired by historical figure Maria Sophia Margaretha Catharina von Erthal for her character Mary Margaret. Hint: they had no clue who she was referring to. Neither did I while googling for Snow White retellings and the blog linked in comments came up during my search. ⬇️

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Cherish Farrah: A Novel | Bethany C. Morrow
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One block away from home and I realized I left my new year‘s meal behind at my sister‘s. So I picked up a light snack at the Cheesecake Factory to go with my first book of 2023. What are you reading today?

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My January #roll100:
96 🎲 Milk Blood Heat, 2 week wait on libby
84 🎲 The Daughter of Doctor Moreau, to be picked up at local library
44 🎲 The Devil‘s Highway, to be picked up at library


PuddleJumper Awesome! 2y
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After some hemming and hawing I decided to change my litsy username AnansiGirl to SconsinBookyBadger to match along with my StoryGraph username.

Tagging @PuddleJumper @Soubhiville @Charityann @julesG @BarkingMadRead and @ElizaMarie to update you for the litsy events you tag me on.

BarkingMadRead Thanks for the heads up!! 2y
Soubhiville Gotcha! 2y
julesG Thanks for the heads up. 2y
PuddleJumper Ok great, I'll change that 2y
Charityann Okay, thanks!😄 2y
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Snowed in and plowed in from white fluffy powder out there. Luckily it‘s a day off and good time to finally get around to my fave podcasters new book.

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Tiny furry overlord is hinting I take a reading paws for now to report #NovelNovember progress: Library loan The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea is finished. I may buy this one when I go on my next book shopping adventure. Half way through both Certain Dark Things and Fire & Blood.


Andrew65 Thank you Tiny Furry Overlord 😻 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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From House of the Cat 🐈 Happy Thanksgiving if you‘re celebrating, Happy Thursday if you‘re not. I‘ll be here catching up on some reading until get together at my nephew‘s later today. What are your plans?

Bookzombie Beautiful cat! My husband and I are just having a quiet day. Working on an evening meal. Happy Thanksgiving! (edited) 2y
SconsinBookyBadger @Bookzombie happy thanksgiving to you and your husband! 2y
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During the days I have off for the #NovelNovember #readathon I have a small selection of books I want to get through before the month ends.

Andrew65 Great to have you with us and good luck 😁 2y
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Pistachio 🐱 First of his name, King of the Isthmus, Protector of the backyard, joining me for tea and re-reading tagged book now that my binge watch has ended for season 1 House of the Dragon.

SomedayAlmost Great name 2y
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