Loved this book! Always a good read from R.H Sin
Loved this book! Always a good read from R.H Sin
A very short collection of poetry from r. h. Sin. If I‘m not mistaken it is his first work of poetry and prose. A job well done, 10/10 would recommend!
Absolutely lovely. It amazes me how detailed and accurate his work is. Emotionally stirring and full of sound advice.
Love love love love LOOOOOVE! As you can tell from my numerous postings over the last few days, I am so glad I own this book of poetry. I stretched and savored every word of this. All the hearts and stars! ❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤
Opening poem and I'm already in love 😍
My husband suprised me early for my birthday and it was completely unexpected! 😍 I'm gonna sit and savor my gifted book tonight with a piece of delicious triple chocolate birthday cake!
I hope this reaches her too wasn‘t a choice (not sure if I can add titles). Thoroughly enjoyed this too. Will need to reread also.
Quick read. Poetry. Not my usual jam. I‘ll have to read this a few more times to uncover it all. Loved it though.
I have a mini fascination with Instagram poets. Maybe this will help my reading slump.
Sad rejection poetry. Always picks me up when I‘m down. Raw emotion.
Angry rejection poetry for Christmas! Yes. It‘s simple. It‘s easy. And yes, it‘s raw too. I ❤️ the heartbreak.