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Okay Fine Whatever
Okay Fine Whatever: The Year I Went from Being Afraid of Everything to Only Being Afraid of Most Things | Courtenay Hameister
The story of one chronically anxious woman's hilarious year-long quest to become braver by seeking out the kinds of experiences she's spent her life avoiding. For most of her life (and even during her years as the host of a popular radio show), Courtenay Hameister lived in a state of near-constant dread and anxiety. She fretted about everything. Her age. Her size. Her romantic prospects. How likely it was that she would get hit by a bus on the way home. Until a couple years ago, when, in her mid-forties, she decided to fight back against her debilitating anxieties by spending a year doing little things that scared her--things that the average person might consider doing for a half second before deciding: "nope." Things like: attending a fellatio class. She did that. She also spent an afternoon in a sensory deprivation tank, got (legally) high in the middle of a workday, had a session with a professional cuddler, braved twenty-eight first dates, and (perhaps scariest of all) actually met someone who might possibly appreciate her for who she is. Refreshing, relatable, and pee-your-pants funny, Okay Fine Whatever is Courtenay's hold-nothing-back account of her adventures on the front lines of Mere Human Woman vs. Fear, reminding us that even the tiniest amount of bravery is still bravery, and that no matter who you are, it's possible to fight complacency and become bold, or at least bold-ish, a little at a time.
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On being broken up with: “So when he pushed me aside, I wasn‘t just mourning three mostly-good dates, I was mourning the future I‘d prematurely imagined with him, and, if I‘m honest, the corgi I‘d envisioned us adopting. His name was General Alfred P. Biscuits, and his ears were as tall as a roll of Ritz crackers.”

EmilyChristine Omg that name for the corgi. ❤️💕❤️ 6y
emtobiasz @EmilyChristine before we got a dog, my fiancé and I always joked we‘d get a corgi named Professor Snugglesworth and only refer to him as The Professor. 6y
EmilyChristine @emtobiasz That‘s adorable! 6y
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Two of my audiobook holds came in on Libby this morning, within hours of each other. As if I needed more excuses to ignore the library books I already have out 🙄

I started the tagged one, which I‘m enjoying so far, although reviews say it‘s much more about dating than it advertised.

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It's one thing to accept the idea that doing things that scare you can result in the most rewarding experiences. The doing is quite another when you're a person living with an anxiety disorder. This is a pretty narrowly focused memoir, with various adventures but with the most chapters related to dating, from the perspective of a single 40 something woman with GAD. 👇

inthegreensandblues I found the author relatable and funny, but of course I embody the target demographic for this book. 6y
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This is entertaining for what it is. It is not what it‘s advertised as. The subtitle should be more like The Year I Decided to Try Dating and Improving My Body Image because that‘s what it‘s about. Since Hameister is a comedian it‘s entertaining. There‘s a few nuggets about general anxiety that were good and hit home but not at all what I was expecting based on the title and blurb. #readwomen

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Pretty good.

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The author, a former radio host who struggles with anxiety, wrote this book to describe her adventures facing her fears. I expected her to swim with sharks or attempt small talk in a room full of strangers, but Hameister's focus is mainly on sexual exploration and overcoming her body issues. While I am not squeamish, the cringe was real. Sometimes I had to put the book down and walk away. I admire Hameister's bravery, but TMI!

MelissaSue81 Hmm. This is on my TBR... maybe I‘ll shift it down a bit. :) 6y
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I enjoyed this read quite a bit... 💛💛💛💛 out of 5. I went in thinking it would be about overcoming crippling anxiety but it‘s more about an already-accomplished woman with anxiety living bravely despite anxiety. The author is relate-able, humorous and engaging. This won‘t show anyone how to cure anxiety but it gives one a new perspective on how to struggle without being so damn serious.

CouronneDhiver Sounds like this is the book for me. I developed anxiety this year, for the first time, and it‘s nutty! 6y
BlameJennyJane @CouronneDhiver I definitely would put it in the memoir category over self-help... but I‘ve struggled with anxiety since adolescence myself and this book definitely makes me feel less alone on the planet! Would love to hear your thoughts if you decide to pick it up! 6y
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sebrittainclark I love that! 6y
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1) I'm sure it was something Disney. Whatever one was new/popular in 2000.
3) I listen to a variety of things, but alt-rock is usually my preference. 🤘
4) Okay Fine Whatever - Courtenay Hameister
5) 👍


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“Day 27 of the @bookriot #Riotgrams Challenge: take a book on a date! As luck would have it, I actually left the house today. I had lunch with my friend, so I didn‘t read my book (it‘s frowned on) but I brought it just in case. ❤️📚💛” - Rioter @Liberty

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Day 27 of the @bookriot #Riotgrams Challenge: take a book on a date! As luck would have it, I actually left the house today. I had lunch with my friend, so I didn‘t read my book (it‘s frowned on) but I brought it just in case. ❤️📚💛

Chelsibeau “Just in case” books are important. What if your friend had been late or your car broke down and you had to wait for a tow? Then what would you do? Some people don‘t understand that. 7y
Maike @Chelsibeau I never leave the house without a book! Even when I‘m just going to the post office because you never know how long you have to wait 😉 (edited) 7y
Tamra @Maike @Chelsibeau definitely! I feel naked without a book now. 7y
readherwriteher Totally with you. I don‘t leave home without a book in my purse. You‘d be surprised at all the little pockets of time you have on-the-go that are perfect for reading. 😁 7y
laurencjay This title tho 👏👏👏 7y
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