My first Allende book! I picked it up as an emergency read during a trip and I enjoyed this family saga so much. You also learn a lot about Spain and Chile in the 20th century - definitely something I needed.
My first Allende book! I picked it up as an emergency read during a trip and I enjoyed this family saga so much. You also learn a lot about Spain and Chile in the 20th century - definitely something I needed.
Many POV‘s, all of them so interesting. I can‘t wait to see where the journey is going. Really looking forward to the fall buddyread of book two with @DuckOfDoom
Book mail is the best kind of mail!
My days have been (too) busy lately and the weekend was no exception. Of course that calls for a migraine coming in. So I‘ve decided to cancel all plans for the evening and spend some time reading in my hammock instead. Quite a good decision, I guess.
Today‘s reading comes with a view.
This was supposed to be my fall-asleep-reading book, but it had me giggling so much that my plan didn‘t really work out. Lovely and funny short stories, this is great as a palate cleanser.
This got weirder and weirder with every page and I absolutely enjoyed it! Another one for #SceptreSummer ☀️
Quite a sad, slow burn of a book. It took me some time to get into it, but I really enjoyed it and it‘ll probably stay with me for a couple of days.
After spending some hours in the climbing gym, this will be the rest of my afternoon.
Basically, Ragnar was Chuck Norris.
Today‘s hammock book is my Iron Gold reread for #SceptreSummer. I almost forgot just how good the writing is.
This was a fun contemporary fantasy, the Malaysian setting really felt like a breath of fresh air.
You can read a full review here: https://scepticalreading.com/2021/06/black-water-sister/
@julesG , @DuckOfDoom and I channeled our inner overachievers and put together reading lists for the newly invented #SceptreSummer. Maybe you want to follow along (and to see us fail spectacularly 😂). I gathered all books from my list into my reading cart, and you can find the typed out versions here: https://scepticalreading.com/2021/06/sceptre-summer-reading-program/
This is why I shouldn‘t order books online.
This was so heartbreakingly good. Going in, my expectations were really high but it did not disappoint in the least.
Full review: https://scepticalreading.com/2021/05/migrations-big-and-small/
This one was a really enjoyable cozy space read!
#buddyread with @DuckOfDoom and @julesG
A full review is up on our blog : https://sceptre.sktc.hamburg/2020/06/june-buddy-read-goldilocks/
@julesG, @DuckOfDoom and me decided that the world probably does not need yet another book blog, but we can provide one anyway.
You can find it here: https://scepticalreading.com
I loved it! So much fun and it pulled on my heartstrings in just the right way.
This book is cracking me up again and again. S.T. (Shit Turd, a domesticated crow) is a wonderful and hilarious main character. Dennis is the most loyal sidekick. And in between the awesomeness that is the main storyline, you get short chapter like this - the very Scottish inner monologue of a highland cow.
Book Club pick down (Der Unbesiegbare), next up is my buddyread with @DuckOfDoom and @julesG 😊
I still have another Lem book waiting on my shelves, let‘s hope I‘ll like it better when I get around to it.
I started The Stand when I started working from home most of the time - about six weeks ago? And this is what 600 pages of meager progress look like. 🙈 Every time I pick it up I‘m impressed by Stephen King‘s writing, but my attention span is basically non-existent right now. Well, we‘ll get there when we get there.
I just finished my A Darker Shade of Magic reread (still amazing). Now I‘m ready to jump into The Starless Sea, the next #buddyread with @DuckOfDoom and @julesG
The last third of this #buddyread was supposed to keep me entertained until Sunday, but I already finished it because I just could not stop myself.
Afternoon reading. Working from home right now means that my garden is only some steps away - at least some improvement in this situation.
I started the day with an audio walk - after being cooped up inside with a heavy migraine for the better part of the week, this really helped to get my mood back up.
What a lush and wonderful dream of a book. The audiobook pulled me right in. Fortunately my hold for the second book just came in, so I don‘t have to leave the world yet.
My optimism is quite low on the scale today.... book and beer it is.
#buddyread with @DuckOfDoom
Afternoon reading 😊 I‘m still working on The Stand, but I want to tackle it bit by bit and need an alternative in between.
Anyone else seeing a problem here? 😩
This is what 100 pages of progress looks like. This behemoth will take quite some time. 😅
I really did a slightly grossed out double take there.
Flip-flops, we are talking about flip-flops.
I think I‘ve had enough of the world for today.
Tom Hanks is actually a really decent writer. His style is exactly as you would expect it - cozy, nostalgic and sometimes you get a chuckle out of it. Nothing too serious, but just the thing if you are exhausted by the modern world.
Queer librarians on horseback? Yes please! That was so much fun, I highly recommend it if you need a shorter read.
What should have been a really interesting book failed to keep my attention. The narrator is Caligula‘s sister, and she has the charisma of a teaspoon. I made it through half of the book before giving up for good.
New in! Also meaning that today is the day my tbr shelf made the transition from „quite full“ to „overflowing“ 🙈