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Little Bear's Trousers
Little Bear's Trousers | Jane Hissey
1 post | 1 read
Little Bear has lost his trousers! He sets off in search of them and discovers that all the toys have seen them, but no one seems to know where they are now. With help from Old Bear, Rabbit, Duck, Dog and Bramwell Brown, will he ever find his trousers? A brand new paperback edition of the beautifully-illustrated classic picture book from popular author-illustrator Jane Hissey. The amusing story is perfect for sharing with young children.
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This modern fantasy features a teddy bear who has woken up and discovered his trousers are missing! The book takes you all through the house as Little Bear goes around asking his friends if they have seen his trousers! Very cute story with textured illustrations! This would be great for a RA or IR. This book is one of many of Hissey‘s “Old Bear” stories. The link takes you to the authors website where all the bear books are listed!

Laura.S www.janehissey.co.uk/2/Books UDL 8.1, heighten salience of goals and objectives, aligns with this book because the story shows Little Bear‘s objective of finding his trousers. EL 42 has students use timelines to arrange and sequence which would be great for this book as it follows the bears journey. #UCFLAE3414SP18 6y
V.DeQuattro This book looks so cute! I will be considering it as one of my next books to read. 6y
DrSpalding After reading your post, I am mediately made a text to text connection with the book Corduroy by Don Freeman. Nice post! 6y
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