This has been a rewarding and convicting read for me. I am ashamed to admit how much I missed when I would read through the book of Jonah in the bible. I highly recommend reading this book alongside your reading of scripture.
This has been a rewarding and convicting read for me. I am ashamed to admit how much I missed when I would read through the book of Jonah in the bible. I highly recommend reading this book alongside your reading of scripture.
I am not Colin Smith, but I wrote a tiny little ebook on Jonah that I would like to share with you. It was a pet project, so there is no charge. I just wanted to share it out. PS It is religious 😀 Here is the link. Enjoy!
Staying up late reading while I bake off 6 dzn. cookies that my middle schoolers volunteered me for. You know, for school, TOMORROW ?"Please mom! We told everyone how good your cookies are." #tweenyears #chocolatechipcookies
I am starting a new book that my Pastor and I will be co-teaching for Sunday School. I love helping facilitate these classes. I always learn so much!