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Jaran | Kate Elliott
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The first book of Kate Elliotts epic Novels of the Jaran, set in an alien-controlled galaxy where a young woman seeks to find her own life and love, but is tied to her brothers revolutionary fate In the future, Earth is just one of the planets ruled by the vast Chapalii empire. The volatility of these alien overlords is something with which Tess Soerensen is all too familiar. Her brother, Charles, rebelled against them at one time and was rewarded by being elevated into their interstellar systemyet there is reason to believe they murdered his and Tesss parents. Struggling to find her place in the world and still mending a broken heart, Tess sneaks aboard a shuttle bound for Rhui, one of her brothers planets. On the ground, she joins up with the native jaran people, becoming immersed in their nomadic society and customs while also attempting to get to the bottom of a smuggling scheme she encountered on her journey there. As she grows ever closer to the charismatic jaran ruler, Ilyawho is inflamed by an urgent mission of his ownTess must choose between her feelings for him and her loyalty to her brother. Jaran is the first volume of the Novels of the Jaran, which continue with An Earthly Crown, His Conquering Sword, and The Law of Becoming.
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Jaran | Kate Elliott
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If JARAN were 350 pages, I‘d have loved it. At 500, it was a bit too long to graduate from Really Liked It status. Sadness.

Still, Elliott delivers a fascinating universe seeded with conflicts both worldly and intergalactic. She creates a compelling group of characters who relate beautifully to one another. And she bucks tropes as often as she possibly can. I‘m most pleased with how Kirill defied my expectations, but there‘s a ton to admire here.

xicanti One warning: the ending DOES feel rather like, “Look at that unhinged bisexual person.” I don‘t feel like that was Elliott‘s INTENT, but it‘s definitely a harmful cliche she failed to work around. 5y
TorieStorieS I have an old copy of this in paperback- the cover art is VERY different!! 🤣 5y
xicanti @TorieStorieS the old cover had a serious early 90s flavour! 5y
TorieStorieS Yes indeed!! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Jaran | Kate Elliott
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Caramel latte + book on this miserable afternoon. Summer rains are my jam. Autumn ones with snow mixed in, not so much.

I‘d love to finish JARAN tonight, but I think I‘m still over 100 pages from the end and I‘ve got other stuff to do. Sigh. It‘s good, but it‘s taken me way too long to finish it. My engagement‘s suffering.

Jaran | Kate Elliott
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I‘m gonna settle in with my book and some sake, provided I can tear myself away from CBC. Gotta keep abreast of the election results.

I‘m enjoying JARAN, but I‘m also stuck on it. Ebooks with long chapters often trip me up because I dislike stopping in the middle of a scene and don‘t always have enough time to finish the whole chapter in one session. I ended up taking a break from it over the weekend, but now I‘m gonna dive back in.

Jaran | Kate Elliott
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I stopped in at McDonald‘s for a free cappuccino and a chapter of JARAN. The book‘s great so far; immersive and well balanced between its wider science fictional setting and the pre-first-(official)-contact culture the protagonist finds herself in. I‘m excited to read on.

I won a muffin on Monopoly, too! Hurray!

Jaran | Kate Elliott
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This was one of those weird days when it was easiest to grab some poetry during my little scraps of reading time, but now I‘ve got the time and the headspace to sink into JARAN. I‘ve settled into my nook, ready to enjoy my lights while I read. (I put them up really early to brighten my spirits after the storm. Winter is hell for me and I‘m upset it started so early this year.)

Avanders 😍🥰 5y
kgriffith Love your nook 💜 5y
rather_be_reading 😍😍 5y
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batsy It looks so cosy and inviting. 5y
Alora Love it! 5y
readordierachel Those lights make it look so nice and warm 5y
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Jaran | Kate Elliott
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I started QUARTZ by Rabia Gale last night, but it failed the three-chapter test. Sadness.

This morning I went back to my spicy egg roots while I dove into the last book on my October Must-Reads list: JARAN by Kate Elliott. I‘ve got a good feeling about it so far, which I‘d be happier to report if I hadn‘t had the same initial reaction to QUARTZ. Still, I‘ve read and enjoyed Elliott before, so fingers crossed.

Jaran | Kate Elliott

This book (and series) has first class world building, with in depth politics, culture, and history, and a way of approaching certain troubling romantic tropes that makes the reader revaluate them, and then punch the sky in joy.

Jaran | Kate Elliott
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I rate this somewhere between Like and So-So. Sci fi, but with very few changes it could be an historical novel set on the Great Steppe in Russia. The two main characters are a bit cliched, but they did show growth, so I plan to read the sequel.

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