Definitely a page turner, it's a good read for those who enjoy unrealistic, James Bond sort of thrillers!
Definitely a page turner, it's a good read for those who enjoy unrealistic, James Bond sort of thrillers!
The second book in the Michael Bennett series and what a cracker it is. The novel moves along at a relatively face pace and though the plot is a little out there it is still within the realm of being believable. These books are a new favorite for me.
James Patterson has quickly become one of my favorite authors! Love becoming attached to Michael and his kids! Great action scenes as well, great detail while still moving the plot along at a good pace. Read this one in one day!
I have to say that I'm really enjoying this series even though I didn't think I would.
From the beginning the book keeps your attention! Love the fact that the author did not only concentrate on the cases but as-well on the Michael Bennets personal life and every day happening of an ordinary family! #jamespatterson