Absolutely loved!!! The first full audiobook I‘ve ever listened to, made richer as it was Mitch who read it. Already feeling like I‘m gonna buy it so I can read it again and highlight all the passages that moved my heart.
Absolutely loved!!! The first full audiobook I‘ve ever listened to, made richer as it was Mitch who read it. Already feeling like I‘m gonna buy it so I can read it again and highlight all the passages that moved my heart.
I‘m really not a reader of historical fiction as I find it‘s hard for my brain to read it as smoothly as contemporary as I need to get around everything I don‘t have a good grasp on, concepts/language/etc. This one was so good though! My heart broke for everything that Marah went through. I could only imagine how broken hearted/tired/frustrated/feeling abandoned she was when Jesus came along. Such a beautiful reminder and book!!
SOOOOOO freaking good!! So often I wished I owned this book in hardcover to highlight quotes rather than be reading a library ebook. Ate this one up in a day and a half! Such a good one!!
Wow, I never expected to fall into YA books the way that I have but add this one to the list! So incredibly good. Quinn‘s grief was so truly palpable that it was hard to get through at times. Incredible book though!
So stinking good minus a few short scenes I could‘ve done without! I do not care who knows, and for anyone who tracks my likes you already know, I freaking love me some James Patterson! Unlike some of his other books where he reveals the killer early on so he can write from their perspective, I had no stinking idea who Casanova was until right at the end! So good!!
So stinking good! First book of a new James Patterson series and I highly enjoyed it! I love the short chapters as it allows a fast pace to be maintained. It‘s my own fault I didn‘t read it faster! I loved how he had multiple mysteries in one book, I especially loved the NFL angle!
Heavy material, no doubt, but such a testimony to what the Nazis did in Treblinka. It is because of men like Chil that we are able to gain an understanding of the horrors of the Holocaust.
Another super cozy romance! A little more sexual content than I typically prefer but I loved reading how Shane and Bellamy fell in love. I loved the winter setting as well which I got to enjoy while still staying warm!
Right in my wheelhouse. I am a sucker for Christian romances set in small towns, preferably the South, mixed with a message of redemption. I actually felt the cold when Noah and Josephine were stuck in the elements!
Beyond amazing!! I almost bailed at the beginning as I felt a little too old (32) to relate to a YA book but I am so grateful that I stuck with it and got to experience the wonder of this novel.
First time I‘ve read this author and I absolutely love the way he turns a phrase! I‘m going to bed pretty quick here but wanted it recorded that I hit 11 hours on this #24B4Monday. I plan to do even better the next time round!
I loved this book! Have always loved reading books set in small towns. The Christmas setting made me wish it was Christmas again! At 9h 45m for #24B4Monday. Clearly not going to make it but I‘ll see where I get to and hope to do better next month.
This book is much easier to lose myself in! Love the small town setting and the connection between Tessa and Cade! Think I may just lose myself in this one today!! Just hit Hour 7! #24B4Monday
Having a hard time really getting into this one even 28% into it and there are so many good books in the world so back to the library this one goes! 5.5 hours into #24B4Monday
Yesterday‘s book was hard to get through so there‘s really no chance I‘m gonna get to 24 hours. I‘m gonna try to reach halfway through this thing though!! Just hit the 5 hour mark!
This book was incredibly, incredibly heavy and felt like trudging in places but that‘s what Theodore deserves. The author did a good job of writing this incredibly difficult subject.
Joining up with my first readathon #24B4Monday! Only 40 minutes in but it‘s still early so I‘m gonna keep trekking. Hoping to make a huge dent in my goal!
Such a good book! My heart aches for Abra through so much of what she goes through. I wish that her coming to Jesus moment had been a bit more written out but I also understand it being that sudden of a moment.
Oh my heck this book was so good!! I just recently fell in love with James Patterson and am now a reader of Women‘s Murder Club and Michael Bennett. this book, full of twists and turns that I actually didn‘t see coming (not just saying that!!) forces me to add Alex Cross to the list!
First book I read in full since getting run over by a car back in November. Grateful for the ways it pointed me to remember that love wins and my Father in Heaven loves me, I needed that!!
Got about 18% into the book and just couldn‘t do it anymore. Gratuitous violence as well as liberal usage of the n word. Yes I understand it‘s the south but there is just so much of it. I do love crime novels but not like this.
Listening to coworkers at my bookstore talking about how their books deal with gender and dystopian societies and the like, I started feeling ashamed that I love romance books. However, I will always stand behind what I like even if I can‘t use big words to explain why. In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, I love books where I know the end from the beginning. My name is Carmen and I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS! Especially by Sherryl Woods!
I have to say Sherryl Woods is easily near the top of my list for my favorite romance author and this book did not disappoint. I have absolutely fallen in love with the Spencer family and their fierce love and devotion to each other and reading Bobby‘s story just increased that! Such a good book!
Loved seeing how Hannah implemented #ichooseme and all the interesting changes that brought into her life. Ending was different from what I usually like but any other ending, in my opinion, wouldn‘t have felt proper. A slow read but a great read!
James Patterson has quickly become one of my favorite authors! Love becoming attached to Michael and his kids! Great action scenes as well, great detail while still moving the plot along at a good pace. Read this one in one day!
Yes, it‘s cheesy. Yes, beyond predictable. But also completely adorable! I highly enjoyed this book! Would‘ve probably been even better if I had read it closer to Christmas but loved it regardless!
I was concerned when I first began this book that with all the detail behind cider-making and maintaining an orchard, which I know nothing about, I would get lost and almost bailed. However, I am so glad I didn‘t! This book was incredible! Read in one day and already want more Amy Reichert in my life!
Left feeling decidedly meh. Really don‘t know what else to say. Unfortunate as it looked at certain points that this book could be dealing with domestic abuse in high school relationships but that was never fully brought full circle, in my opinion.
Fan-freaking-tasting!!! Second Coben book I‘ve ever read and was slightly hesitant after the first one didn‘t resolve in an understandable manner. This one though, Wow!!! Now it won‘t be winning any major prizes any time soon but heckuva good read!!
Can I please please pretty please move to Trinity Harbor?? I have always loved small southern towns and Sherryl did a brilliant job of bringing this town to life. As with all romance novels, you know the end from the beginning but it was cozy without being too cheesy. I loved it!!!
Very predictable but in a world with so much chaos, it was nice to escape to Happily Inc for a couple of days.
Beyond incredible!! Read this in one sitting while having a few beers at the local pub. Probably looked crazy as this book invokes all the emotions but it was worth it!
This Good Morning is definitely getting adopted as my new life motto. I love it!!
“The tale of your life is written second by second, as shifting as the flip of a pencil to an eraser”.. profound quote 12 pages in means I‘m in for a treat!!
Man alive, this one tugs at the heart strings! Lisa is just as gifted at making the progression of ALS tangible in this book as she was with dementia in Still Alice. My grandfather passed from this brutal disease so it was extra meaningful to me. I cried on the train over the ending, truly not caring who saw me.
Absolutely loved this book! Seth truly made each of these geniuses on the court/field into fully fleshed out human beings. I want more!!
I honestly had never read any of Patterson‘s works until a few weeks ago and I‘m honestly grateful because now I can binge!! I absolutely loved this book. Perfect mix of character building while still a good pace of the action. More than satisfied with the ending which, with other writers, can sometimes feel rushed.