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This was a very sweet story, maybe a little to over the top sweet. Being a the macho guy I am, the ending DID not leave me in tears or a with a lump in my throat! I read it mostly because of where it takes place. Although I am familiar with the surroundings I enjoyed the story and the characters.
Here is a look at some of the books I got at a book sale! Only $5 for all 🤓 fun fact: I'm a HUGE James Patterson fan!
I listened to this one and enjoyed both narrators. It was a quick book, with a pretty predictable outcome. I will say it made me a little sad that my grandma is gone and I won‘t have the chance to get to know her as an adult. I guess the moral of the story is to love and enjoy people while we can!
As an author myself, I can't quite bear to "pan" a book. That's all I'm going to say. Except 1, at least it was short. 2, last rec I take from my mom. (Shhh.. ;)). And 3, I doubt any review from me will hurt Mr. P. If there were any chance it would, I wouldn't say it. He does so much for writers!