Doctor Aphra is such a cool character! It‘s like Lara Croft meets Han Solo! And the fact she‘s clearly gay is even better!!
Doctor Aphra is such a cool character! It‘s like Lara Croft meets Han Solo! And the fact she‘s clearly gay is even better!!
The Mandalorian has me back in a Star Wars mood
Volume 5 (not listed yet). I love this character! This was a little slower of an arc. Aphra and Triple Zero are implanted with proximity bombs that will go off if they get too far apart. A lot of conversation, but Triple Zero has some great writing!
Like a more morally questionable female Han Solo or Indiana Jones. A lot of fun. Triple Zero and BeeTee are my favorite additions to the Star Wars universe from the comics. This crew was a blast in the Vader series, but they are more than capable of carrying their own title.