my reread of MACHINERIES OF EMPIRE is proceeding nicely, and i can‘t believe i forgot the specifics of how extremely good Lee is with using POV to completely fuck with your head (in the best way)
my reread of MACHINERIES OF EMPIRE is proceeding nicely, and i can‘t believe i forgot the specifics of how extremely good Lee is with using POV to completely fuck with your head (in the best way)
Finished this one today after prolonging the inevitable most of the week. It was so so good and now I'm just very sad and feeling bereft now that it's over!
Yoon Ha Lee's Revenant Gun is the third and final book of a trilogy that still, quite often, confuses me. There are large swaths of this series that I don't understand . . . but it doesn't matter. (When I make statements like this, I always think about Stephen King, in On Writing, talking about Cormac McCarthy.) This science fiction trilogy is "math-y" and focused on a series of calendars and their impacts on the universe and a world ⬇️
I did it - finished the last of the Hugo 2019 best novels and did my ranked voting last night! I really liked Revenant Gun, which was unexpected, as I did not enjoy the first book in the series, Ninefox Gambit. I plan to participate in the nom process for the 2020 Hugos and would love suggestions for how to tackle eligible books (a bunch in my TBR list already on Goodreads) and some reading buddies if anyone else is planning to do this!
Working on the last novel I need to read in order to vote on best novel for Hugo Awards. Wasn‘t a fan of the first book in the series but really enjoyed the second and this one has also captured my attention. Voting may be harder than I originally thought. #hugo2019
When you don‘t want to read any book you currently own, so you buy the last book in a trilogy you *need* to finish. Happy Friday. 🤓
What the heck! Revenant Gun is both the best book in the series and the most frustrating because SO MUCH important stuff happens that we never knew about through two other books! Squidapus found this easily the best written one with the most fascinating developments and best characterization. So many of the characters finally come into their own here (Brezan, Inesser, Mikodez, Kujen, SO MUCH CHERIS) that it's criminal it ends after all this growth
Liked the first one best but this was still good.
Very moving ending.
2018 BSFA award nominee
If you want a sci-fi book that glorifies power and dehumanizes war, do not read this book. If you want to finish an amazing trilogy inspired by the fight against self promoting power maintained through terror of death to the non-compliant (heretics) on a calendar based ‘holidays‘/remembrances, one fucked up mission for eternal life, creators enslaving their creations, and the glories of Math, you should read this amazing book.
Sometimes I have wondered if the last few sentences of this book weren‘t the reason for the entire series. It‘s been long enough since it came out that I‘ve read a few hundred books since then and it was a bit of a surprise to reread - I had forgotten what happened to Kjeren, Cheris, Jedao the second, etc. I still don‘t quite understand the Revenant and its servitors, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Something to think about. Love. This. Superb. Trilogy.
Wait no I love this one too; I just wanted more Cheris, but we get more EVERYTHING.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 9: unity and freedom. Machineries of Empire is a brilliant space opera looking at how we create, control and corrupt our societies. It‘s also about resistance and reform, so it seems appropriate today.
(happy re-unification day, Germany!)
I‘m surprised that I made it the whole way through the entire series. I was so confused most of the time. I think it will be awhile before I get into more hard sci-fi.
Just finished rereading this trilogy. I loved it. My only complaint is that the pacing was rushed in this one - Lee is usually so masterful at pacing. This felt like it should have been two novels instead of one, & a number of scenes could have been more powerful if given some more room to breath. A beautiful termination to the series, nonetheless. One that plants the seeds for another book...? (I can hope)
Thrilling queer clever heartfelt ending to a majestic trilogy. Proper first class hard sci fi .
I‘m sad because this series is done. I loved these books and really want more stories in this universe.
Can't decide which books to take into the bath? Okay! All of them shall sit by the bath and I'll just alternate. (No doubt it'll mostly be Revenant Gun, but if I need a break from having my mind blown...)
1. Entitled library patrons and self-serving city politics.
2. Considering my every visit to Target is marked by aimless wandering culminating in random purchases, there‘s really no telling.
3. Tagged book! I‘ve really enjoyed the Machineries of Empire series so far, and I‘m excited for the third book.
4. A loaded baked potato - dinner for lazy people.