#RRSciFiMonth Day 16 - Sonic Screwdrivers or Hoverboards. Not a book gadget, but Ive always wanted a Tricorder. Mostly because Bones was my favorite.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 16 - Sonic Screwdrivers or Hoverboards. Not a book gadget, but Ive always wanted a Tricorder. Mostly because Bones was my favorite.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 29: I didn‘t see that coming ...pretty much sums up Under the Skin from start to astonishing finish. Still my favourite Faber, and still enough to ensure I read everything he writes.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 28: in pursuit of knowledge.
Binti is the perfect pick today: a young woman determined to attend the best university in the galaxy. It‘s a celebration of reaching farther without letting go of your roots, regardless of what life throws at you.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 27: spine poetry
Embers of war,
Brightly burning under the skin,
Shelter annihilation.
Against a dark background,
[a] brave new world [is] what you make it.
I still dream.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 26: Well that sounds ominous
When even the Culture are worried and can be subverted, you know it‘s a problem. I‘m still torn on Excession - I love how the Minds grapple with the problem, but I hate all the vapid human subplots.
#RRSciFiMonth Day 25: #ShelfieSunday - mostly, my SF books sit together. Mostly. Except for the ones that don‘t. Am I making excuses to reorganise my books? ...maybe.
First, I‘m finally starting Record of a Spaceborn Few today!
#RRSciFiMonth Day 23: I can‘t do that Dave
Turns out HAL is still the most villainous AI in my collection - I like my AIs sympathetic, apparently!
#RRSciFiMonth Day 22: Thank heavens for that! ...or rather, thank heavens the world doesn‘t work in the way it‘s described in unnerving dystopia The Unit