Bloody hell- Bleak, brutal, heart breaking and hard hitting on poverty & alcoholism and how they break a family, but just brilliant.
Bloody hell- Bleak, brutal, heart breaking and hard hitting on poverty & alcoholism and how they break a family, but just brilliant.
Clever, thoughtful, funny & quirky. If you want a PI novel written from a very different angle then this nad the other two Claire DeWitt novels are for you.
God TJR's bloody brilliant at this authoring business. Corking queer book.
Beautiful, brutal gay and brilliant.
A beautiful book, gorgeous prose and a heart warming and breaking plot.
An engrossing queer, exciting clever heavy duty fantasy to get lost in over the cold dark evenings - Standalone so it all wraps up in the 800 pages and superb world building.
Good lord this book, a proper electric roller coaster ride of a love letter of a story, all heart, rough edges and creativity. ❤
Goodness me, what a book, inspiring, heartbreaking, infuriating and amazing in turns makes you really appreciate how amazing the AIDS activists were having to fight for their lives and those of their community.
Wow, that was quite the dark different thrill ride of a scifi/fantasy novel. Some lovely character work too for the leads that may go interesting places in the sequels.
Oh my word what a majestic epic book - Big meaty fantasy in an amazingly built mythical feeling ancient African setting with big themes running through the whole queer feeling shebang.
Oh my hat what a novel, read it in 2 days, the beat of the prose and the menace and the sense of Prague just carries you along with the whole gorgeous thing.
Oh good lord, good gravy and good train, what a majestic novel, the intrigue and subterfuge of Le Carré at his best with complex questions about empires, society and poetry in deep space and lesbian themes too. A proper humdinger of a book.
Several thumbs,toes and ears up for this glorious book. Fun,moving romantic, unabashedly lesbian and all heart from beginning to end, well deserving of its classic status.
It's an Alan Hollinghurst so of course it's a gay and wonderful novel. Following the effect of a weekend and a poem on the lives of two families and those who know them over 90 years, the novel also explores British gay life over the same period.
If American Gods but written by Isabel Allende and set in jazz age Mexico sounds like it'd be your jam then you need this book in your life. 👍📚
Very different to the film, more emphasis on the psychological aspects and less on the big scares. Very matter of fact prose so decent but not the big deal I suspect it was back in the 1970s.
Oh god this book. Properly broke me,left feeling all wibbly. Just some of the most heartbreaking beautiful evocative prose I've ever read. Gay,sad,happy and ultimately hopeful and really makes you want to go listen to cello music. One of the best literary fiction works I've ever read by someone not named Alan Hollinghurst.
Exciting,convincing,fantastical and perfect for transporting one to a cold medieval Russian winter during a summer heat wave. Also Vasya is a fantastic heroine.
From the first five pages alone,you just know that Miller's written a work of beauty ,wit and heartbreak with much to say on a woman's place in a world ran by men ,grief,heartbreak and existence itself. Even better than The Song of Achilles .
Look it's Hollinghurst - Beautiful,wistful and gay. Oh and brilliant ❤️
Clever, thrilling and fast paced urban fantasy in the model of China Miéville or Robert Jackson Bennett's recent work .
Evocative,moving and to the point , I'd forgotten what a beautiful little book this is .
Aggh, in two or three minutes minds about this book, beautiful prose and deals with the pain and rage of the AIDS crisis ,but man alive the characters are the most insufferable bellends and to blazes with the bunch of them .
Funny ,moving dealing with NYC gay life in the face of the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s , this is a good read if at times perhaps a bit shallow in some of the characterisation, otherwise worth a read .
Moving ,queer ,low fi but still hard hitting with its dealing with issues this is a beautiful ending to the Wayfarers trilogy
All the upping of thumbs here - Fast ,furious and fantastic like a high speed Bas-Lag Miéville lite Foundryside is a wonderful mix of weird fiction,urban and epic fantasy ,harrumble 😁
So good , fantastic world building to give you a real sense of the Mugal Empire fantasy setting and the prose is lush and literary with involving characters .
Big and brilliant beautiful of prose and fantastic in its gayness and mix of love ,heartbreaks and the progression of British 20th CENTURY life. My hat how I adore Alan Hollinghurst and his novels .
If you like hard boiled crime fiction but want it with a female detective in ancient Rome then this is the book for you .
Thumbs, fingers ,spleen and pancreas up for this book, sensational gay theme inclusive weird fiction that at times feels like China Miéville on opium. Must read the sequel.
Still probably my favourite book ever written in English or any other language .Prose like a Bach suite and beautiful from start to finish .
Lovely gothic atmosphere dropping off of the pages in places but my hat it drags on and on in places and well there we are then .
Second instalment of what's becoming a favourite contemporary fantasy series of mine. Definitely for fans of Ben Aarronovitch's series , funny , spooky and with a good strong heart to the whole business
A warbeastastic piece of fantasy with sci fi edges , despite being the middle of a trilogy this is the best fantasy book 2 I've read since The Scar . Also top queer rep so thumbs way up.
Wordy ,very funny, clever and thoughtful , often all at once , the only thing against this book is that it isn't Angelmaker or Tigerman . For a debut novel this is a right stunner and cements NH for me as the third sexiest author in British literature.
A strange experimental dance of a novel about information, signals and that sort of jazz,.
A Ruthtastic harrumblelousy 10th instalment in the Ruth Galloway series, this time in Italy, as engaging as ever
Thrilling queer clever heartfelt ending to a majestic trilogy. Proper first class hard sci fi .
Pure beautiful heart warming and breaking gay poetry like a love song to a lost world of New York and the LGBTQ community between Stonewall and AIDS . Would've loved to dance with Malone .
It's Hollinghurst , it's beautiful ,funny & gay , and thus wonderful .
A properly magical wonderful read , not quite Ari & Dante but it's damned close .
Fascinating ,if perhaps a bit dated in its outlook and at times a little hard to follow due to slang and such. This is hard boiled sci fi, and you can really see that cyberpunk ideas that so influenced the Matrix movies.
Superb sequel in this fantasy trilogy, wonderfully queer throughout , can't wait for book three .
Wow , wow and wow again , just a bit in love with this book.
Oh my word this book is as magic as the stuff that drives the novel's plot. Genuinely I've put it down and been surprised that time has passed outside my own head. 💙 Am now off for another watch of the BBC adaptation.
Galloping gibbons you should read this book, fantastic literary gay novel capturing British gay life in the 20th century up to the 1980s, and the sex scenes are amazing in a very literary way .
Such a fun read. Magic infused and alternative Londons are completely my thing and I could spend all day hanging around with these characters .
Fantastic sci-fi romp and great rep , harrumble for queer teens in space. 🚀🌈