Studying for the exam so I can get a raise 😫 so boring! I got a lot right in the study but I didn't know a lot too- send me those positive study vibes 😘
Studying for the exam so I can get a raise 😫 so boring! I got a lot right in the study but I didn't know a lot too- send me those positive study vibes 😘
Working my first weekend, yahoo. Actually it hasn‘t been bad today and I‘m still training so I‘m not alone. That probably makes it better. However, this is still the first time I‘ve sat, except for lunch. Which we ate at the desk. #rivetingreading #exceptitsnot #ihatemath
Turns out my desk isn‘t big enough for the way I like to study (all spread out). Who knew? Had to pause though for the flyover for the sportsball game. Hard to hear the webinar with those stupid planes zooming overhead every couple of minutes. 😬
I have a phone interview scheduled tomorrow with the hospital, finally! After jumping through the hoops for the last couple months, I can finally get started on this process and out of the job I hate. Think good thoughts for me tomorrow afternoon (2:30 EST) Littens. I need to make this change.