This is one of the 12 books I picked for my reading around the world. (I have a blog for that). Anyway this was more about mental illness then I thought it would be. I liked the story but could not relate to the characters.
This is one of the 12 books I picked for my reading around the world. (I have a blog for that). Anyway this was more about mental illness then I thought it would be. I liked the story but could not relate to the characters.
I got this from the library today. It will be my first book in French of the year. I haven't read any Amélie Nothomb since college and I'm excited! #languagelearning #infrench
#PhotoADayNov16 Day 18 - Headless Cover
A vividly tragic story about a young,talented ballet student and the overwhelming societal pressures she experiences in every facet of her life.
I like this 'cause A) Despite being a sweeping generalisation it's still too often depressingly true and B) "...haunts their masturbatory obsessions" is a killer turn of phrase.
Excited to dive into this dark fairytale of ballet and destiny!