I listened to this audiobook in one day, on a whim, and I am so glad I did! It was fascinating. And read by the author, which I always prefer in a memoir.
I listened to this audiobook in one day, on a whim, and I am so glad I did! It was fascinating. And read by the author, which I always prefer in a memoir.
“She became moody and depressed. She started wearing black and listening to the Smiths and reading Camus in the original whatever.”
“Yes, he continued in this thoughts, how fine almost any human endeavor can be made to sound when expressed in the proper French....”
“Once, I told my mother I wanted to be a mermaid, and she told me that real mermaids were the drowned souls of broken-hearted women; I don‘t know why I remember that now.” 💔🧜🏼♀️
Starting my week with Harry Potter + coffee ☕️⚡️
Because survival is insufficient.
So I am filling in as a moderator for the mystery book discussion group at the library tonight for a sick coworker. I haven‘t read this or anything by this author. Any tips or interesting things I should know about this book before jumping into the discussion? 📖🤷🏻♀️
I really wanted to like this collection of poems more than I actually did. Some were beautiful and maybe if I had read this when I was 15 or so I would have enjoyed it more. I didn‘t care for the structure of the book or the structure of the poems. It was a quick read though. If anyone had any other poetry recommendations I would love to hear them!
I have bookclub on Wednesday and I'm only 1.5 stories into this book. Oops! ☕️📖🤷🏻♀️
I am very excited to start this tonight. 😄📖🗞👩🏻
"That's what I'm supposed to do, isn't it? If there are certain preconditions for the use of magic, those preconditions will inevitably arrange themselves. Right?" ??
When your folks had you by the balls, they really knew how to squeeze. It was pretty chuckalicious, when you thought it over. 🤡
This Saturday morning is brought to you by Squirrel Girl and coffee! 🐿👧🏼☕️
Sunday morning books + coffee 📖☕️🤡
I won these two books as part of a summer reading prize at my local library. 📖☀️🎉I have never read anything by Tana French. I think this might be a part of a series? Has anyone read them? Can I jump in with these or should I start at the beginning?
I finished this on audio today and I completed my Goodreads challenge!! Woo!! It was pretty good. Jason Segel reads it and I enjoyed that aspect (although I hated how he did all the female voices). I think this is the first book in a series and while I enjoyed it- I have no desire to continue with the other ones.
I started a new audiobook this morning on my commute to work.
Betz, not having a boyfriend to bring along, dutifully took the room with bunk beds, flopping onto the bottom one with her dictionary-thick copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
BOOK MAIL !!!!! 📖🍺
Can't sleep-- so it's books and tea for me tonight. [also this book is so much fun! I am loving everything about it.]
Crow started the engine and the radio came on in a yahoo roar of Toby Keith: God bless America and pour the beer. 🇺🇸🍺
This is the cutest thing ever. ❤️😭 I love dance moms and Maddie.
Book on Tap book club!! 🍺📖 (we meet monthly at a local brewery and it's awesome. I'm sure this book will prompt some interesting discussion!)
Sunday night reading. [i have had this book checked out from the library for SO LONG. 😅]
Monday's are my night to close at the library-- so my Monday mornings are usually slow like this. 📖+☕️+🌱
Whether it was a girl's fancy or some deeper intimation of things to come, she saw lives unfold before her. And so it was that her young, ferocious, and flawed heart began to splay itself open.
I found a nice park bench for some afternoon reading 📖🌳🌤
Finishing this volume up this morning-- it's fun and I like seeing these three together. 🐱🌿▪️♦️🃏 I have been reading a lot of graphic novels this year and am always looking for recommendations. Let me know if there's anything I should check out! Superhero comics or otherwise. I'm interested in them all🙃
Because libraries have always been a part of any civilization they are not negotiable. They are part of our inheritance.
FINALLY FINISHED!!!! 🙌💁🏻📖 so far this has been my least favorite in the series but the ending was good and I will definitely continue. Listening to the audiobook was the only way I could get through it and I plan to continue to listen to them. (Fun fact: this makes 70 books I have finished so far this year. Yay books!)
I'm not interested in speaking from a place of superiority; I learn things from young inexperienced people all the time, and I've been young and inexperienced myself. I know what it's like to be treated like toy rank somewhere between a baby and a run-of-the-mill moron. I have also acted like a baby and a moron at a few points, even though I am neither.
"Dude, I accept the truth of your lived experiences, and I'm not going to tell you that your feelings are wrong." #reasonswhyilovesquirrelgirl ?? #eatnutskickbutts