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St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton
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The patron saint of animals, birds, and the environment, Francis of Assisi led the rediscovery of nature in the Christian West. This magnificent spiritual biography by the phenomenally popular G. K. Chestertona convert to Catholicismchronicles the beloved saint's calling, his extraordinary life, and his influence in the Church. Its charm and wit will appeal to even the most secular-minded readers. How fitting that Francesco Bernardone was born just after the Dark Ages when the world was awakening. He started out as a colorful troubadour with a fondness for French poetry, extravagant with money . . . until the sight of a beggar seeking alms opened his eyes to a world beyond himself. The scene so moved him, he vowed to God that he would devote his life to the poor and embrace a life of simplicity. This sense of humility and generosity continues to call to each of us today. With great affection, Chesterton explores the life and times of St. Francishis joyous devotion, his sense of compassion and love for all creation, his visions and miracles, his stigmata, and his band of followers that became the Franciscan Order. Praising this great and original man who became one of the most popular figures in Christendom, the author calls him "a poet whose whole life was a poem." Here is a stimulating read for Chesterton fans, Christian readers, and anyone looking for a burst of pure inspiration.
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St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton
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Texreader Amen 4y
UwannaPublishme I‘ll second that Amen ✌🏻 4y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme president Elect Biden quoted it tonight 🤍 4y
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Bookwormjillk I read that every morning. Glad to hear he quoted it. 4y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk I‘ve had it with me for years on this little card in my purse 🤍 4y
UwannaPublishme Yay Joe! 🙌🏻 It‘s one of my favorites too. I‘ve been saying it a lot this year. 4y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme 🤍🤍🤍🤍 4y
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St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton

Are you interested in St. Francis?

kevin_m Helen, I‘m trying to share with you. 4y
kevin_m Maybe this app will work??? 4y
hmb @kevin_m cool book to read 4y
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St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton
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I don‘t have words today for the happenings here in the US
I have this

Understand being the most important .

Julsmarshall Powerful ❤️ 4y
cathysaid Just the right thing at just the right time. Thank you. 4y
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St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton
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I find the Blessing of the Animals at our little hippy Episcopal church more amusing than my cats do! #blessingoftheanimals #cats #catpeople

St. Francis of Assisi | G. K. Chesterton
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Our St. Francis, looking a little wary today: a tad warm for February in the 802.