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I Am Pusheen the Cat | Claire Belton
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My friend‘s Pusheen stuffy now has her own hand-knit sweater. This was reverse engineered from the Barnes and Noble exclusive Pusheen that came with a cable knit sweater. It‘s on upside down because this particular Pusheen‘s front paws are tucked in rather than outstretched 😂 but the sleeve placement works!

Jari-chan That's adorable 😍 I love Pusheen ❤️ 16h
rabbitprincess @Jari-chan She is extremely cute! I can‘t get over just how many cute plushies there are. My friend has a lot of them so I get to live vicariously through her 😂 16h
Jari-chan @rabbitprincess I'm somewhat jealous, I have to admit 😅😁 16h
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A Man and His Cat 11 | Umi Sakurai

All the feels with this installment 😭❤️ and now I‘m caught up!

Socks | Beverly Cleary
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As a cat-obsessed 7 year-old, Socks was the first Beverly Cleary book I ever read. In a fit of nostalgia, I bought this old copy and my cat-loving heart has only softened with age because what do you mean they threw their beloved pet out and made him live in the garage?!?! Cleary's descriptions of Socks' loneliness and bewilderment in the midst of a new baby coming still tug at my heart and made me hug my own #TomKitten and #ColeCat more closely.

CatLass007 😿 4d
Andrea313 @CatLass007 They eventually let him back in but it's not great to read if you're a giant softy about cats. (Guilty.) 4d
CatLass007 The only time something like this ever actually happened in my family was when we had an 8-year-old male cat who was indoor/outdoor (the only way my dad would let us have a cat at all). My brother brought home a female kitten and my Mom put her foot down and insisted this would be an indoor only kitty. Our male cat adopted one of the neighbors and he lived at least another eight years. The neighbor and my dad became the best of friends. 4d
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CatLass007 I have had only indoor cats since I became an adult. 4d
Andrea313 @CatLass007 My cats like to spend time in our backyard when the weather is nice, but they get brought in around dinnertime and kept in. I know some cats like to roam (we had one like that when I was a kid) but as a pet owner myself, I wouldn't let it happen. 4d
CatLass007 My two female kitties are door divers. Molly is 15 now, which is one reason why she doesn‘t try to get outside as much as she used to. The other reason is because I keep a planter with cat grass available for her. Molly is the only cat I‘ve ever met who likes loud noises. She loves the vacuum cleaner. When I sneeze the other three run away. Molly always runs to me and looks at me with concern or maybe just puzzlement. Anjali is 7 and I (cont)⬇️ 4d
CatLass007 must be on constant alert when doors are opened. My fellas couldn‘t care less about the outdoors. Benjamin runs away when an outside door is opened. Tiberius? Well, he‘s just himself, perfectly content to stay indoors. He‘s a huge marmalade cat with a tremendous purr and a squeaky toy voice. He doesn‘t even say anything resembling meow, he just squeaks. 4d
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We got a new member of the family in June. Meet Pixels! I would‘ve liked a bookish name, but he‘s technically my son‘s cat who‘s really into computers and gaming. Still, I can tell Pixels is going to be my reading buddy! 🥰

Suet624 💕💕💕 5d
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Adorable 😻 5d
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Tamra 😽 5d
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5d
LiteraryinLawrence What a cute name for such a cute face!! 4d
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Bailing after the first chapter. It would have probably been cute as a web comic, but trying to stretch it into a full narrative story is just meh. Also, the scale and proportions seem inconsistent. And it is weird that the cats have human limbs and only sometimes wear clothes. I dunno, I'm not feeling this one.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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shortsarahrose What a cute little tortie! What‘s her name? 1w
DieAReader @shortsarahrose Clementine❤️‍🔥😻 1w
Texreader Oh my heart! I can‘t bear the cuteness!! Thanks for sharing these photos! 1w
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DieAReader @shortsarahrose @Texreader @dabbe My pleasure❤️‍🔥 I love seeing everyone‘s pet pics & I figured I was not the only one😏 They melt my heart & have been such a comfort since we lost our Rosie😻 in 2022. Our Clem is bringing us such joy. A real #mentalhealthboost that was so much more need than even I realized❤️‍🔥🥹 #cutestclementine 1w
Texreader @DieAReader Losing a pet is so hard. I‘m happy this little girl is helping. 1w
DieAReader @Texreader 🥰She definitely is! 1w
julesG 😍😍😍 Thanks for sharing cute cat pics. 😍 1w
Mimi28 😻😻😻🩷🩷🩷 1w
DieAReader @julesG @Mimi28 ❤️‍🔥😻I‘m more than happy to. 1w
kspenmoll What a sweetie! Poe & Em say hi! 😻😻 1w
TheBookgeekFrau 😻😻 1w
AnnCrystal 😍💕😻💝. 1w
peanutnine 😻😻😻 1w
DieAReader @kspenmoll 😻😉❤️‍🔥 1w
48 likes16 comments
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One more post of our new kittens since they‘re so enjoying the #botm box 😺😺 Booker is on the left and Tulin is in the box! #bookercat #tulincat

Texreader They are too cute!! ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ 1w
Clwojick Ahhhh! Adorable! 1w
Leftcoastzen So cute! 1w
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LeahBergen They‘re so sweet!! 1w
RobES Cuties 🥰 1w
Librarybelle So cute!! 1w
Ruthiella You can never have too many posts of adorable kittens! 😻 1w
LiteraryinLawrence Oooh! Where does the name Tulin come from? 1w
PurpleyPumpkin Touts adorbs!😻 1w
quietlycuriouskate Gorgeous! Where can I get this kitten subscription box, please? 😆 1w
dabbe 🤩🖤🐾🐾🖤🤩 1w
peanutnine 😻📚😻 1w
cariashley @quietlycuriouskate hahaha 😹😹 1w
cariashley @LiteraryinLawrence it‘s a character in the newest Zelda game! 1w
47 likes14 comments
The Prince and Other Writings | Niccol Machiavelli
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Irene and Theodora deciding what to read next.
#TuxedoCats #catsandbooks #readingcats #cats

Texreader ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ 1w
AnnCrystal 👏😂😸📚😸💫💫. 1w
dabbe 🤩🖤🐾🐾🖤🤩 1w
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My husband and I lost our almost 15 year old #percycat last November (remaining guy from a bonded pair) and we‘d been without cats for way too long. We finally adopted two kittens a couple weeks ago and it‘s been pure chaotic joy. This is Booker, who is already living up to his name 😸 #bookercat #catsoflitsy

JenReadsAlot Adorable! 2w
TheDaysGoBy Soooo cute! 2w
Tamra 😻 2w
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julesG 😍 2w
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2w
Cathythoughts So cute 🥰 2w
Velvetfur Omg so adorable! Please spam us with pictures of the babies 🥰🩷 2w
Librarybelle So adorable! 2w
JessClark78 ❤️ 2w
LiteraryinLawrence It‘s so hard to lose a pet (I just did a few months ago) but I‘m so happy for you that you‘ve welcomed new babies to your family! 2w
dabbe Welcome to your lovely family, #bibliophilebooker! 🖤🐾🖤 2w
cariashley @Velvetfur it‘ll be hard not to, I can‘t stop taking photos of them!! 1w
cariashley @LiteraryinLawrence it‘s the absolute worst. We needed a period to grieve but it‘s so wonderful to have pets in the house again. I‘m sorry for your recent loss! 1w
cariashley @dabbe oh my gosh perfect hashtag!! Love it 😊 1w
dabbe @cariashley Or maybe just #bb 🖤🐾🖤 1w
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Humor | Stanley Donwood
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