I love watching Steve and also enjoyed this book. It felt a bit long at times, but if you enjoy politics I think it's worth it.
I love watching Steve and also enjoyed this book. It felt a bit long at times, but if you enjoy politics I think it's worth it.
The roots of how we got to the modern US partisan divide lead back to the 90s and two men: Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton. Their political trajectories and the policies and tactics they started have resounded throughout Boomer dominance at the national level. A really fantastic look at the 90s national political landscape as a whole, too. I‘ll drop a link to this bargain #audiobook on Chirp ⬇️. I definitely recommend it!
Ridiculously excited to sit down with this one! NBC favorite Kornacki discusses the era that made me an American-concentration poli sci major: the 90s. (Also when I happened to be an undergrad! 😉) serious #NerdVibes tonight! 🤓
This is well written, and Kornacki does a good job of giving an in-depth overview of the political chaos that ensued during the 90s. At the same time, the book doesn‘t really address “political tribalism” until its closing pages. I don‘t mind the blow-by-blow, but that‘s not what I bought the book for.
Finally finished. ✅
Dear my #jolabokaflod swap match, my Goodreads TBR is the most up to date, including a shelf of books that I know I own already. Just thought you should know. ❤️ 🎄
#jolabokaflod shopping chin scratchies! What a happy Bunny! Time to mine my match‘s TBR for a fantastic book, and there are a lot there to pick from. I have my work cut out for me!
Reading at my parents‘ house, please lord let it be quiet for a little while. #readingwithtoddlers
Spent four hours in midday sun cleaning a headstone yesterday. D2 is a biocidal cleaner suitable for masonry, especially gravestones. This one is about 109.5 years old. #preservationadventures #ilikedeadpeople
So it turns out you can connect Donald J Trump directly to Pat Buchanan and H Ross Perot. Trump, who in 2000 flirted with running for president, had the billionaire persona but not the populist message. It was only when he adopted the Buchanan platform in 2015 that he had the winning combo. He may have run sooner had it not been for the success of The Apprentice. An important and interesting read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Funny. All the years he has been in the public eye and I have never heard his full name until now.
Wow!!!! Pat Buchanan in 1992 . Sounds just like Trump