Read this for a book club. We previously read Me and White Supremacy and How to Be an Antiracist. This was a good transition from thinking about individual beliefs to working in groups to affect change. Highly recommend.
Read this for a book club. We previously read Me and White Supremacy and How to Be an Antiracist. This was a good transition from thinking about individual beliefs to working in groups to affect change. Highly recommend.
Been reading this one for a book club. Some interesting ideas to think on.
I read this with my book club and it is filled with conversation starters and ideas for community building which we loved. I felt like it was less accessible to me, a person with no organizing experience and limited knowledge of movements in history. Still good though
Just chillin in bed after a day, drinking my tea. Excited to learn more about revolutionary history and gain some new vocabulary on movements and inclusion.
The clearest definitions for these terms I‘ve ever read:
“Abolition: a long-term political vision with the goal of eliminating imprisonment, policing, & surveillance & creating lasting alternatives to punishment and imprisonment.”
“Transformative justice: a liberatory approach to violence that seeks safety & accountability without relying on alienation, punishment, or state or systemic violence, including incarceration & policing.”
I‘m getting involved in virtual organizing actions to #defundthepolice via collectives like Critical Resistance and the Movement for Black Lives and Charlene Carruthers is on the panel of damn near every webinar I‘ve seen for two weeks. This book has been on my “to read list” for a while so it felt like the time to read it. Only a chapter in and I‘m already blown away. If you want to read real strategy for abolition & change, this is THE book‼️😍
I found Carruthers‘ recounts of past movements wholly moving and her explanations of how to do better wildly inspiring. At times I felt like her intelligence surpassed my own in a way that meant I'd never really understand how necessary her activism is, but I tried to focus and remain open, listening carefully. I noted several passages to return to as I gain a greater capacity to consider her advice and encouragement.
great book for organizers; a quick read. Loved the humility and discipline of someone who has been working in movements for what seems to me like a long, long time. Also made me want to learn more about the Haitian Revolution.
Another successful trip to the library ✅ 🤗📚📚📚📚