Not enough Mr. Everett combined with too much of the Miles parents and a too-fast, last-second solution to the murder makes this just a so-so. #ajustclause #lornabarrett #booktownmysteries
Not enough Mr. Everett combined with too much of the Miles parents and a too-fast, last-second solution to the murder makes this just a so-so. #ajustclause #lornabarrett #booktownmysteries
Finally winding down with this; it's another series that I keep reading just because I've spent so much time with it already, and because I'm hoping it eventually gets back to being as all-around cute as it was in the beginning. (Still better than the Hannah Swensen mess though, lbr.) #ajustclause #lornabarrett #booktownmysteries
Angelica can also be in the much-desired Mr. Everett spinoff. #ajustclause #lornabarrett #booktownmysteries
I really just want a spinoff all about Mr. Everett. #ajustclause #lornabarrett #booktownmysteries