It was good like 4⭐ because it was just a different pov to the events of Restore Me
It was good like 4⭐ because it was just a different pov to the events of Restore Me
I love Kenji! I‘m so glad that we got to dive a little bit more into his backstory. I‘m surprised he is as good natured as he is. Plus we got to see more of his awkwardness around his love interest and how much of a gofer other characters make him. Ready for the next book!
I loved Kenji's pov! At the beginning it was just more romance, but then... Wow, what was that??? This novella left me more confused. I have my theories but I need to read Defy Me ASAP!
I wanted answers!!!! No answers were found.... just...more....questions..... ugh I need the next book now.