This is a cute Australian new adult book. A perfect summer read!
#TheBoysOfSummer #SongsOfSummer
This is a cute Australian new adult book. A perfect summer read!
#TheBoysOfSummer #SongsOfSummer
“Ellie‘s elbow in my rib cage snapped me out of my trance to find Mr Burke overshadowing our desk. His thick, bushy eyebrows drew together into an impressive, yet frightening, frown. #Frozen, I made no effort to hide the note that was all too quickly plucked from my hands. Mr Burke re-adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat as he slowly examined the crumpled paper that had held me so entranced.” #QuotsyNov18
This is a cute new adult romance series. The first book is free for Amazon kindle right now! Very fitting for today's prompt #australianauthors #feistyfeb