Just disappointing. I didn't find it funny, just a series of vignettes with no context... If you are interested by it, just go to a library.
Just disappointing. I didn't find it funny, just a series of vignettes with no context... If you are interested by it, just go to a library.
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:
When I was growing up and my mom issued another arbitrary rule, we would catalog them: rule no. 645.3a or rule 882.6b. So this book is very relatable.
It only takes about 15 minutes to read but quite entertaining.
Book 192/265 6/7/19
I appreciate a more subversive approach to Mother's Day, but I am on board for sleeping in, coffee delivery, and treats.
Patricia Marx collected her mothers one line comments still ringing in her head sketches by Roz Chast perfect to cheer up a gloomy Monday .😍
Another entertaining author reading hosted by @prairielightsbooks at the @englerttheatre Patricia Marx writes for the New Yorker and has written for SNL and The Rugrats! Her comedic partner, Roz Chast is a talented illustrator. Thanks @maceyjann for going with me! #whydontyouwritemyeulogynowsoicancorrectit #authorreadingsarethebest
Happy Saturday! It has been a lonnnnnng week, but I‘m done my work and my chores for the morning, so now I‘m throwing myself a weekend mini-readathon! I‘m starting off in my office, now that it‘s finally all straightened up. (It should last a week, maybe two. 😝) I‘ve got my books picked out and my velvet gophers by my side. What are you reading this weekend? 📚❤️📚