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Transgression: A Time-Travel Suspense Novel | R S Ingermanson
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What If? What if you were studying for your Ph.D. in archaeology and decided to take a break from your crummy life for the summer by working on an archaeological dig in Israel? What if you met a great guy in Jerusalem who happened to be a world-famous theoretical physicist working on a crazy idea to build a wormhole that might make time-travel possible ... someday? What if he had a nutball colleague who turned the theory into reality - and then decided to use YOU as a guinea pig to make sure it was safe? What if the nutball had a gun and went on a crazy, impossible mission to hunt down and kill the apostle Paul? It's A.D. 57 when Rivka Meyers walks out of the wormhole into a world she's only studied in books. Ancient Jerusalem is awesome! Rivka can't believe her friend Ari Kazan's theory actually worked. But when she runs into Ari's wacko colleague, Damien West, in the Temple, Rivka starts to smell a rat. When Ari discovers that Damien and Rivka have gone through a wormhole that's on the edge of collapse, he has to make a horrible choice: Follow them and risk never coming back - or lose the woman of his dreams forever. About The Book: Transgression is a time-travel suspense novel that mixes science, history, religion, romance, and suspense. It's about learning to stand up for yourself, when you just want to be let alone. It's about making hard decisions. It's about asking whether life has meaning and whether God exists - and becoming a badass fighter for justice, even if you don't have the answers. Transgression won the 2001 Christy award for best futuristic novel in Christian fiction. Transgression will take you on a wretched, miserable, dangerous vacation through the filthy, bandit-ridden streets of first-century Jerusalem. Transgression is the first novel in the City of God series: Book 1: Transgression (A.D. 57) Book 2: Premonition (A.D. 57-62) Book 3: Retribution (A.D. 62-66) Excerpt: Rivka turned and ran. "Ari!" she screamed. "Help!" She raced outside into the sunlight, sprinted madly through a dark grove of trees with gnarled branches. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her ragged breath rasped in her ears. Was he following? Faster! Tears fogged her eyes. Her leather sandals tore at her feet. Trying to look back over her shoulder, she tripped and fell. Dust flew up all around her. Coughing, she clambered to her feet and dared to look back. The man was nowhere in sight. Rivka panted until she caught her breath. Her left wrist throbbed from the fall. She massaged it while she squinted into the trees, afraid that the man might be lurking in the shadows. Nothing happened. Finally, she turned around to get her bearings. She blinked twice and then stared. Across a small valley massive stone walls rose. Herodian masonry. Jerusalem limestone. Towering white walls. It looked like... But that was impossible. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply three times, and opened them again. Absurd. Had she gone loony or something? Rivka had visited the Temple Mount twice and studied hundreds of pictures during three years of graduate school. But she had never seen it looking like this. So pure. So spotless. So new. Click the book cover in the upper left corner to read more.
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This is going to be a long one. Sorry.
This is between a pick and a so-so for me. Ultimately, this is a really good story that is ruined by a cliche sermon tossed in randomly that disrupts the flow. It genuinely feels like that whole ridiculousness was added in later for some ridiculous reason.
The Ari and Rivka at the beginning of the book are a wonderful young couple who have their differences, but they‘re relatively healthy. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics The Ari and Rivka later in the book are a hot mess of unhealthy relationship hell. She wants him to be open minded so she can change him. He wants her to be open minded so they can both try to see each other‘s perspectives. He demands she listen to him and tries to forbid her from exercising her autonomy. What happened to the great Ari and Rivka from the beginning of the story? I want them back. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics The argument that she‘s not Christian was lost as soon as it was made known that she had a “policy” of not dating any guy that didn‘t believe the exact way she did. She‘s an uber conservative Christian from the Bible Belt with that BS. I very nearly stopped reading at that point, but the story outside of that forced me on. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics “Baruch wasn‘t intentionally being a male chauvinist oink-oink.”
I am still unconvinced that this line was written by Ingermanson. The rest of the book is well written from a 20-30-something‘s voice. This line is ridiculous and written from a teenager‘s voice. Just call him a male chauvinist pig and move on. This line is ridiculous and pulls the reader completely out of the story to try and figure out what just happened. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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GingerAntics The editor who suggested this line should be fired immediately, and all the other books that editor worked on should be re-examined. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics I also want to know what “black eyes” are, as that is not a natural eye color for humans. Their eyes are likely dark brown so it‘s hard to see the difference between the pupil and iris unless intimately close, but come on. Not every person in Israel has this color eyes. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics Ultimately, this book needs to be marketed as Christian fiction as opposed to general fiction or literary fiction. It could be either of those if not for the forced, ridiculous religiosity that suddenly they are both practicing for the first time in their adult lives. Calling it anything other than Christian fiction is tantamount to false advertising. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics It makes no sense, ruins the flow of the story, and makes parts of this book absolutely painful. You can explore religion without making it preachy. I genuinely wish he had. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics I read this book to see what came of the snowflake method. Clearly it works, but I have no desire to read the rest of this series. If you had asked me in the first quarter to third of the book, I was ready to read the whole series as quickly as possible. Not anymore. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics Ingermanson is a wonderful writer. I would gladly read more by him if he could manage to write without being preachy and obviously biased toward the Christian world view. #ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries 5y
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🤣😂🤣 I don‘t know if this is true, but it‘s funny!!! 🤣😂🤣 I can‘t stop thinking about this scene. 🤣😂🤣
#ingermanson #transgression #everybodyisinthereserves #ari #rivka

GingerAntics Just looked it up. This used to be the rule. It changed in 2008, but this used to be the rule. 5y
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It‘s like someone went in and added this absolute rubbish line. I‘m almost not convinced Ingermanson wrote this sentence - at least not the last word. The rest of the book is so well written. This one sentences is just starkly different.
#ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries #wtf #whatjusthappenedhere

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Arrogant SOB has lost his damn mind!!! Damian is the biggest idiot. Can I beat him up?! If he keeps Rivka and Ari apart, he better hope the ancient Romans crucify him, because I‘m going to make them look like they were playing. Butt face!!!
#ingermason #transgression #cityofgodseries #damian #rivka #ari #ariandrivka

GingerAntics He‘s so stupid he learned ancient Hebrew when he should have learned Aramaic. Idiot. 5y
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Ooooooh, the title has many connotations within the story; and there are clearly many questions we don‘t even know to ask, but we definitely need the answers.
#ingermason #transgression #cityofgodseries #ari #answerlessquestions

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The man of my dreams. A brain, but not full of himself. 🤣😂🤣
#ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries #ari

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Just a few chapters in, but this is going very well. I‘m even rather enjoying the little bits of Hebrew mixed in. I think it‘s because I‘ve always had a fascination with the language. It was the first language I knew of that went right to left, and as a lefty that seemed very logical to me as a child.
#ingermanson #transgression #badbehavior #timeout #hebrew #cityofgodseries

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wordzie 💝😁 pseudointellectuals 5y
GingerAntics @wordzie that‘s definitely the best part!!! I love the tone of this book. It‘s perfection. 5y
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#ingermanson #transgression #paintingapicture #kenimma #yesmama

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I have very high hopes for this book. Partly, I‘m reading it because I want to see what has come out of Ingermanson‘s very methodical writing system. Partly, I‘m reading this book because it sounds really awesome and I think I might end up cheering for the guy who is quite possibly the bad guy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ As I said, I have very high hopes for this book. Here‘s hoping it survives.
#ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries