This was a very fun book and it gave significant facts about each animal and the way they live their life. I also liked how the book was within the comprehension and interest range of its intended audience.
This was a very fun book and it gave significant facts about each animal and the way they live their life. I also liked how the book was within the comprehension and interest range of its intended audience.
I would use this book in my future classroom, because it goes over step-by-step examples of animal survival skills such as eating camouflage and fighting.
lots of animals want to make a meal out of a little octopus
How to woo an eve like a mountain sheep
This book would be great in an early childhood classroom. Very silly and yet, educational.
This book is very interesting. It provides a “guide“ for different animals and how they get their food. For a human, it's very educational on how animals eat and what they eat. The pictures are mainly drawn out which creates a sort of aesthetic throughout the book. Very fun read!
This is a nonfiction book that was published in the year of 2015. This book does not only cover “How to Swallow a Pig,“ but also other characteristics and things that animals must do in their natural habitat to survive. This book gives a good background on the things that different types of animals must do in the wild.
Aside from this, every page has new facts about new animals. Along with these facts come engaging and fun looking illustrations.
“Lie quietly, perhaps draped over the branch of a tree.“
This is another good book that can be used during anytime throughout the year.
this is a great book on how to hunt/capture many other animals. love it.
“Perhaps a lionfish... Hover in the water, spread your arms, and let them trail behind you. Now you look like a lionfish, a colorful fish with poison-tipped fins.”
I think Jenkins captioned a child‘s interest perfectly. The variety of animals presented throughout the book is wonderful.
How to Swallow a Pig by Steve Jenkins published in 2015 is a super interesting nonfiction book. I expected to be a “how to” only on swallowing a pig. However, there are many “how to‘s” such as “How to Trap Fish Like a Humpback Whale” or “How to Hunt Like a Reddish Egret”.
“After all, you never know when you might need to spin a web, disguise yourself as a jelly fish, battle a sheep, or catch a wildebeest.”
The pages are set up in step by step instructions with detailed images to correlate with the texts.
This nonfiction book stands out from many other books because it is in step by step format. The Books talks about giving advice straight from the animal kingdom. Each page shows a different animal and how to complete a task that they have to do in order to survive.
This would be a great book for elementary school because it is broken down in small easy paragraphs to read! I found it really interesting how all sorts of animals eat!
This is a book all about animals eat! Step by step what the animal does before and after it eat it‘s prey! They have all sorts of animals!
3. Drop your nut. Choose a place where the nut will get run over by a car or truck.
I think this is a really cute book, that‘s written in a different way than most kids have seen. This book also includes more info on each animal and a bibliography.
This book is structured in steps, like a how-to guide. The illustrations in the book really help the reader to visualize what the steps are saying. It‘s written in the second person point of view, as if the reader will be doing all of these actions the animals do.