Finally getting back into the groove of reading!
3.5/5⭐️I am very interested in dreams and dreaming, so I was sucked in by this aspect of the book. While the characters are all 24 years old or older it's definitely got a YA vibe with lots of familiar tropes. If the love triangle weren't so interesting its presence alone might have killed it for me. It ended up taking a guilty pleasure quality for me and I am interested in finishing the trilogy. The Dream aspects and world are what's sucked me in
After Molly gets struck by lightning, she finds herself in another world as she dreams. But is it real? || I really enjoyed reading this!! I've been wanting a well-executed dream-centered book for a long time and I've finally found one that has satisfied me. The world Molly goes to was very easy to imagine because it was so nicely detailed. I was a little iffy on the romance, but the humor was great.
Kindle e-books of The Dreamer are FREE today(7/18) + tomorrow(7/19) in honor of The Dreamland Series #SummerSale! Get it before it's gone! 🎉
Did you know part of the world Molly experiences in The Dreamer is fashioned from Roman architecture? The grand Corinthian columns, domes and carved friezes were huge inspiration for my vision of City Hall. It's so cool to see it in real life🏛! #DreamerFacts