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A Classical Education
A Classical Education | Richard Cobb
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A Classical Education | Richard Cobb
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Garden reading while the husband gardens. 😆

This is a memoir of a man who reconnects with his childhood best friend from boarding school after said friend is released from prison for the shocking murder of a family member. The story opens with the author meeting the friend at a train station and then goes back over their school years together and the times they spent at each other‘s houses.


TrishB Sounds interesting 👍🏻 4mo
Tamra You have the perfect set up - husband doing the gardening. 👌🏾😊 4mo
Cathythoughts Oh stacking ! Sounds good, and such a beautiful photo 💚♥️♥️ 4mo
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Christine What @Tamra said - I want that to be my summer motto: “Garden reading while the husband gardens.” 😄 4mo
CarolynM Perfect! Interesting book, too😆 4mo
LeahBergen @TrishB It was! 4mo
LeahBergen @Christine @Tamra @CarolynM I assuaged any guilt (not really) by bringing him frequent drinks. 😉 4mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Thanks, Cathy! The little dwarf lilacs should be blooming soon. 4mo
Jess_Read_This Your role as beverage manager/landscape designer is a crucial one! That SF is one that I‘ve been mulling over purchasing. Looking forward to your review of it! 4mo
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This Oops, I forgot to reply! I enjoyed it. The writing takes a bit of getting used to at the beginning (he was mostly an academic author so there was a teensy bit of disconnect for me) but the story really powers it along. 4mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen All of this is good to know before I pick it up. But it sounds like one worth reading! 4mo
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