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reader, wanderer, aspiring epicure IG:@pages_in_musings 📸 📖🌱
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The Native Heath by Elizabeth Fair
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I totally read this in Julia Child‘s voice in my head.

(To clarify Julia wasn‘t talking about Italians, but referencing the low fat health craze that eliminated butter and sought alternative cooking oils)

Tamra 😆 Yes! 1w
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 1w
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From my brief Litsy scrolling, I see I‘m virtually joining a few other Littens for a Friday unwind with book/libation. Cheers!

With a bio coming out on Judith Jones, who I didn‘t know is a reason we were introduced to Julia Child, Marcella Hazan, Claudia Roden, Lidia Bastianich, to just name a few. I wanted to read her memoir as my introduction to this gastronaut I‘ve not been acquainted with before. It‘s riveting. Halfway thru & highly recommend

Tamra I envy your basil. 😊 1w
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💚Some news from Virago. I adore the original green spines though. My heart goes pitter pat when I spot a green spine at a used bookstore. They are becoming fewer and fewer though for me in the wild!

willaful Same! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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A bit of circa 1905 bookish advice from Hatchards. I feel like most of have No. 7 mastered 📚💛… whereas, speaking for myself, I‘m a lost cause on No. 2.

Suet624 Interesting! 2w
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Starting this now with a lovely cider from the local lavender festival. Lavender cider and the July #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read are what I needed on this Sunday evening. @Tamra I‘m adopting your quiet hour before making dinner routine!

Tamra Isn‘t it wonderful?! 😍 Such a lovely view. (edited) 2w
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Thank you! The scent of freshly cut grass is in the air and I‘m glad we were able to mow before the pop up storms happen. 2w
Ruthiella Beautiful spot. 😍 2w
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CarolynM That looks wonderful! Enjoy! 2w
AlaMich I enjoy cider and a lavender version sounds tasty! 2w
Jess_Read_This @AlaMich If you are close to Armada, Michigan- Blake‘s Apple Orchard makes it and it‘s called Wisteria. They host a Lavender Festival every year! 2w
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @CarolynM Thank you! Cheers to a Sunday evening! 2w
julieclair Beautiful garden! What a relaxing view. 2w
jlhammar Looks heavenly! 2w
LeahBergen Perfection! ❤️ 2w
Cathythoughts Looks beautiful where you are ❤️ 2w
Jess_Read_This @julieclair @jlhammar @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thank you! It was lovely until the biting deer flies and the humidity chased me back indoors. July nuisances! 2w
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Honest take: I think this was a seasonal pushed out read because a major loose end of the first book remains a loose end. It wasn‘t even addressed. But overall, a cozy mystery with a missing prize ram, a pensioner convinced someone is out to murder her (and they do!), and the hunt for the killer begins as the victims pile up. Chapman doesn‘t seem to stop with one death. Which has me wondering how large of a population is this village?!

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Pre-order placed!! I‘ve been a fan of Rebecca Romney since her appearances on Pawn Stars. One of my prize books is one she recommended to my husband and signed when he reached out to get a copy of the Printer‘s Error signed by her. I‘m floored he was able to text her and talked her through my bookshelves so she would get an idea of my fav books to make a recommendation. Check out her IG to see the editions of the books she mentions in this book!

Librarybelle This looks so interesting! 2w
LeahBergen I can‘t wait for this one! 2w
Cuilin Looks fantastic 2w
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Same! It looks like Romney has collected editions of the female authored novels Austen read. I kept pausing her IG reel to write them down. Went to Abe to see about finding some for myself and 💸💸 too rich for me 🤣 2w
Jess_Read_This @Librarybelle @Cuilin I thought so too! And if anyone can do justice to these authors, it‘s Rebecca Romney. She‘s just amazing and a fountain of bookish knowledge! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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4.5⭐️ I‘ve started this one before and for some reason didn‘t finish it. This weekend pulled it off the shelf and couldn‘t put it down! A well written dynastic format that follows a family, their secretary, servants, and a few close friends in the West End, London during 1927, 1940, and 1947. I hope to be able to come across (in my price range 🤞🏼) other books written by Prunella Beckett.

LeahBergen Oh, this looks great! And what a cover. ❤️ 1mo
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4⭐️ A cozy-ish (??) mystery set in the Yorkshire Dales with Detective O‘Brien returning home pending an inquiry at his police force. His reception is mixed. And murders are popping up in the Dales pointing to a common theme with an old friend‘s speed dating sessions for the town. Local farmers, a bakery owner, pensioners, pub keeps, curmudgeons, and a newly sober father who may have lost the farm all have roles to play in this lovely who dunnit.

Tamra I love that cover! 1mo
LeahBergen I‘ve been eyeing this one as I like the cover so much! 1mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen @Tamra The cover absolutely lured me in! It was pretty good too! I‘ve ordered the next few in the series from the library. If either of you read it, let me know what you think! 1mo
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Fresh Water for Flowers | Valrie Perrin
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5⭐️ It‘s been some time since a book moved me to tears. This one did a few times. I found Perrin‘s writing to be gorgeous, poignant, melancholy tinged at times, engaging, and reflective. A few times her descriptive scenic writing reminded me a bit of Frances Mayes early books.
Highly recommend this one. It completely absorbed my attention and I jotted quotes down from it frequently.

Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 1mo
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😭My bargain $1.17 VMC was too good to be true. I flipped through the pages to discover a book heathen tore out pages 108-130. The seller offered a refund (which mournfully the $6 shipping was more than the price) or select another equally priced book from their site. So I‘ve ended up with this lovely Julia Chapman replacement. But I don‘t know what to do with my damaged copy. Any ideas? I can‘t bring myself to recycle bin a VMC…

julieclair Oh my.... who would do that? 🤷 It's a beautiful cover. Maybe frame it and set it on your bookshelf? 2mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair That‘s a terrific idea. I think I will do that. I was really crushed when I saw the missing pages. I was able to find another (pricier) VMC copy but it‘s a Penguin VMC. Which I know I‘m just being picky at this point and ought to be glad to have a copy at all. 😆 I really like your idea to frame the cover. It would look great on my bookshelf! 2mo
rubyslippersreads Tearing out pages up is a travesty! 😡 2mo
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IndoorDame So awful! Totally agree about the cover art! Also, I love trying blackout poetry with old books, but I feel terrible doing it even if I have beat up dimestore romances from goodwill, this would be the perfect thing to keep ripping pages out of for that or any other art projects. 2mo
Sace My jaw dropped when I read about the torn out pages. I‘m so sorry about your disappointment. 😢 2mo
LeahBergen Oh no!! 2mo
julieclair I love @IndoorDame ‘s idea about blackout poetry or craft projects. And if you do those and/or frame the cover, please share a pic. Turn 🍋into lemonade! 😘 2mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair I will! I haven‘t had a chance to do anything with it yet. I‘ll have to google what blackout poetry is too 🤣 I‘m not the most crafty person. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @IndoorDame Thank you for the tips! I‘ll do some googling on the poetry and look for craft ideas too 2mo
Jess_Read_This @rubyslippersreads @Sace @LeahBergen Thank you for the commiserations. It was a true injustice to this book. 2mo
kwmg40 The removal of the pages is terrible! But the cover really is lovely and makes the book worth keeping. 1mo
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Fresh Water for Flowers | Valrie Perrin
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And from the infant pages of this book, she‘s captured my attention.

Any one else read Valérie Perrin?

Beth Bonini on IG had posted a bit about this book and I was thrilled my library had a copy. I‘ve been finding I must live under a rock because I‘m very late in learning about authors many others have been loving!

TrishB Read all the ones that have been published in English so far! Loved them ❤️ 2mo
Jess_Read_This @TrishB Oh neat! I‘m so glad to hear you‘ve loved all the ones you‘ve read so far. This is my first of hers. I‘ve been impressed at how quickly she‘s captured my interest in the main character and the story! 2mo
AmyG I loved this book so much. Just beautiful. 2mo
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📬A much needed dose of cheer straight from the mailbox. I am shocked how quickly the Slightly Foxed Summer Quarterly made it across the pond.
Anyone read Jane Gardam? A bold group member posted her in an undervalued women writers group and was told she isn‘t undervalued nor does she fit in the time period. I appreciated the post as she‘s new to me and other members recommended this one. I was sure to express my thanks to the OP for sharing her.

Tamra I haven‘t read her yet, but we‘re reading this one for #EuropaCollective in September. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra oh neat! That‘s another of her books that was recommended! Can anyone join that read along? 2mo
Ruthiella I love, love, love Jane Gardam. I‘ve not read this title yet, but I‘ve read her Old Filth trilogy and 2mo
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Tamra @Jess_Read_This for sure! That would be great. 😃 (edited) 2mo
Tamra @Ruthiella I‘ve got Old Filth on my shelf. 😅 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Old Filth was also talked about! Gosh, I‘ve really been missing out on Jane Gardam. Every comment I read about her books was truly expressing love for them. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Thank you! I‘d love to read it with the group 🥰 2mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This 👏🏾 @jlhammar can you loop Jess into the September group read of Gardam? 2mo
jlhammar It would be great if you could join us for A Long Way from Verona in September! I‘ll be sure to tag you. I‘ve only read one Gardam so far and really enjoyed it 2mo
jlhammar @Tamra Will do, thanks! 2mo
Tamra @jlhammar 😁👌🏾 2mo
LeahBergen Jane Gardam is so good! And I haven‘t received my Slightly Foxed yet. Soon, I hope!🤞 2mo
willaful I've only read Bilgewater but I found it very interesting. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen I have really been missing out on Jane Gardam! Going to have to fix that asap from the sounds of it. I was shocked when I opened my mailbox and the SF quarterly was there. Which made my night being able to cozy up with it during a summer storm. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Thanks for connecting me to the September read group! 🩵 2mo
Jess_Read_This @willaful Thank you for the recommendation! Adding Bilgewater to the TBR list. 😂From the sounds of it, I should plan on reading all her books since so many people have different favorites of hers! 2mo
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The Light Years | Elizabeth Jane Howard
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4⭐️ I‘ve been dipping in and out of this one since early April. So many bookstagrammers highly rate the series. I enjoyed it but I wasn‘t absorbed in it. I could easily put it aside for other books. I enjoyed the summer life in the countryside full of the children‘s antics mixed with the grown ups‘ problems. The threat of war looms and yet life goes on. Eventually, I hope to get around to the others in the series.
Any other thoughts on the book?

Tamra I‘ve been wanting to get around to this….sounds like you maybe have the right approach, dip in & out. (edited) 2mo
Ruthiella I read this in one gulp. I definitely want to continue with the series but haven‘t managed it yet. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra The only issue I found with that is that I would end up forgetting who‘s who since the cast of characters is a bit larger 😂 But by a few pages in, I‘d be able to sort it out. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella I am wondering if these will be my vacation reads. Chunky enough that it alleviates my anxiety over running out of something to read and then if I don‘t finish on vacation, just chip away at it during the weeks I‘m back. 2mo
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4⭐️ I enjoyed this fast paced mystery with two female protagonists. One living and one deceased but very much a part of plot workings. I had a hunch on the ending but it isn‘t obvious. I would have liked more character development but perhaps that‘s the author‘s plan as it seems this is to be a series? It‘s a nice summer read that I‘d recommend getting from the library. It falls into the pleasant read but not a keeper category for me.

julieclair Sounds fun! Stacked! 2mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair I hope you enjoy it! I thought it was a rather original plot! A bit rushed at times as I ended up being curious about the mother/daughter relationships and more about the leading lady‘s past. But there are some great creeps in the village that are all plausible murderers. It was a nice easy read. 2mo
Dragon Stacking- I like a light summer cozy 💚🐉 2mo
julieclair I love a good creep! 🤣🤣🤪 2mo
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1965: Frances attends an English country fair to get her fortune told. She‘s told she will be murdered. Thus launching her into a nearly 60 year investigation into a crime yet to be committed.
Present Day: Her grandniece Annie is summoned to meet with Frances. Only to find Great Aunt Frances is dead and now Annie must solve the murder with many villagers having motive.

What an intriguing blurb that had me scooping this off the library shelf!

LeahBergen This sounds fun! 2mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen It‘s turning out to be pretty good. So far everyone could be the murderer and I‘ve got no clue where the story is going! 2mo
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Fellow #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub members, my thanks to you graciously being such good sports to read this novel. I chose it and am horrified how over the top it was! The best parts were your witty comments. I counted two times a villain was twerking his mustache! The simple dialogue and writing, dim heroine, non existent mystery it was all so obvious, and the bizarrely fast forwarded HEA all disappointed.
No cute deck drinks with this book photo! 😒

Tamra I thought it was a fun read bc it was over the top! 😂 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I‘m so glad! I think I felt a little pressure in wondering how everyone was enjoying it/thought of it since I picked it that I probably should have sat back and enjoyed the ride! (edited) 2mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This for sure! Besides, you didn‘t write it! 😉 2mo
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Jess_Read_This @Tamra Quite right! 😄 2mo
LeahBergen I‘m with @Tamra ! And I‘d actually try another one of her books (someday). 😆 Your new deck looks amazing! 2mo
kwmg40 I‘m only halfway through but enjoying it so far. I love all the gothic elements, even if they‘re way overdone! 😂 2mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen We had a thunderstorm roll in this afternoon which aptly turned the atmosphere Greylands like for the photo. One of these summer days I‘ll be getting a better drink and patio photo. 😂 So glad you enjoyed the book too! I was so busy overthinking it all! 2mo
Jess_Read_This @kwmg40 😂 I did a few times envision this book as a 1930‘s gothic type movie with the dialogue and Cynthia needing help for pretty much everything. I‘m so glad you are enjoying it so far too! 2mo
Aimeesue I enjoyed the over-the-topness. Sometimes it‘s fun to scream at the MC “Don‘t go in there, you fool!” and then watch them go in anyway. 😂 2mo
jlhammar Gorgeous deck! I‘m not sorry we read it. It was fun for what it was. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Aimeesue 😂That‘s true! There is always a bit of fun in that. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar Thank you! I‘m so excited to use it this summer. And I‘m glad found a bit of fun in the book. It was not quite what I expected but had so much in the club book chats about it. 2mo
Ruthiella Your deck looks fantastic! I‘m with you on this particular title 😂, but the discussion was such fun . 2mo
quietjenn No need to be horrified - sometimes it just shakes out that way and it sounded so promising! Hope you'll have many enjoyable days and nights on that deck! 2mo
batsy The deck looks lovely! It's very much a so-so book objectively speaking, perhaps even a pan, but the campy OTT hilarity is making me laugh 😆 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @quietjenn @batsy You are all simply the best to make me feel better about this book and liking my deck! Fingers crossed more nice days for reading on it this summer. It was a labor of love 😂 My back still isn‘t right lol 2mo
CarolynM I once chose a book for my IRL book group that was so bad (pretentious and cringey) that no one got through more than 2 chapters 😬🥴 At least this one was fun to roll your eyes at! And your deck looks fab😍 2mo
julieclair I totally enjoyed this book! Yes, it was a far cry from great literature, but it was still a fun read. And the back and forth of everyone‘s comments was a hoot! I think this was a great pick, because we all enjoyed ourselves dissing…. Um, I mean discussing… it. 😘 2mo
Jess_Read_This @CarolynM oh my gosh, I have to ask… what book did you pick?? Thanks for liking my deck and having fun eye rolling with the group on this one! I had fun too 2mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair I‘m glad you had fun reading too! There‘s no better group than this one for dissing.. and/or errr discussing books! 😂 2mo
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After a few false start the last two weeks, I‘ve picked this one up in earnest. And am loving reading the reactions from the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub. It‘s so campy that already by page 16 a potential bad guy is twirling his mustache and creeping out our helplessly dim heroine.

Even if it doesn‘t turn out to be a good one, the group‘s reactions to it are making it an enjoyable one for me so far.

Sace Just curious, what's the Furrowed middle brow club? 2mo
batsy I'm about midway through and feeling the same! It's so ridiculously campy and truly funny and I keep thinking of everyone's comments about the not quite the sharpest knife in the drawer, Cynthia 😆 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace It‘s a bookclub here on Litsy where every other month we read a book published by (sadly now shuttered) Dean Street Press. The genre is female writers typically 1910-1960 that write about domestic life, interwar experiences, country life,etc. I think it was Virginia Woolf who coined middlebrow as writing about middle class life. It‘s a great club and it would be great if you join us on the reads! 2mo
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Jess_Read_This @batsy 😂 Me too. Cynthia lost me with all the hand wringing just trying to get from the train station to Greylands 2mo
Sace Thanks! I'd love to be tagged when the next book is picked. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace I will try to find the original post with the schedule and tag you. I believe the rest of the year‘s picks might be scheduled for planning purposes. And feel free to jump in on this months too. We have the entire month for reading and everyone posts their thoughts/reviews and we comment to each other there on the book. 2mo
Sace I love Litsy for all the readalongs but it is hard to find the original posts. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace I know what you mean! I‘ll try to remember to tag you for the next read too. I think July‘s read will be a good one! 2mo
Sace Yes! The July pick is just the kind of thing I like to read! 2mo
Ruthiella @Sace I will add you to the tag list for the next group reads in July, September & November and @LeahBergen can add you to the voting list for when we pick new titles for 2025 if you are interested? 😃 2mo
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This I think if you double down on the OTT silliness of this one, you will have fun reading it. 😅 2mo
LeahBergen The reactions from everyone in the club whilst reading have been the best! 🤣 2mo
LeahBergen @Sace Yes, please join us! I see you‘ve already been directed to the reading schedule post. 👍 2mo
willaful @Sace yes indeed! 2mo
julieclair Twirling his mustache! 🤣 I can see you‘re already getting into the spirit of this one. Enjoy! 2mo
quietjenn Haha, not the most subtle writing, but good fun. 2mo
CarolynM I hope you will join us @Sace This group is so much fun🥰 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @LeahBergen @julieclair @quietjenn It just keeps getting more and more outrageously over the top. 😂 Thanks for being such good sports in reading my selection because it‘s not at all what I thought it would be. 2mo
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🕵🏻I can‘t believe it‘s May and time to read this book! I‘m so very much looking forward to reading this with the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub. I‘m in the mood for a good Golden Age Mystery too. And fingers crossed I‘ll be granted some free time this weekend to crack it open instead of being drafted into the deck painting project we‘ve been putting off!

May my next photo of it be from a freshened deck with a beverage in hand. 📖🍸

Tamra I started it last night and it‘s intriguing! 3mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Hooray!! That‘s the kind of book endorsement I like to hear. 3mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This I too am really in the mood for a good mystery. 😄 3mo
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LeahBergen I‘m sending you good “finished deck” vibes! 🤣 3mo
Ruthiella Yahoo! Hoping for a good read and a finished deck. 👍 3mo
julieclair Looking forward to your next photo! 😀 3mo
batsy Nice! And may it be anything but "grey" weather ?? 3mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen We are going to need all those vibes. We aren‘t the handiest people to have doing home improvement projects 🤣 3mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Thank you! Fingers crossed no rain! 3mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair Thank you! I think I‘m committed now since I‘ve made public statements about future photos 😂 3mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy 😂 Definitely need the no grey weather vibes this weekend! 3mo
julieclair @Jess_Read_This You totally are committed! 😂 3mo
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My Salinger Year | Joanna Smith Rakoff
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Once I started, I couldn‘t put this book down. I eagerly turned the pages in half anticipation half suspense in following Rakoff‘s job as the assistant to J.D. Salinger‘s agent. When Rakoff shared she‘d never read Salinger‘s work as it never came up in school or interest; I felt connection. As I too have never read his work. 😬 Yet when she describes how moved she was when she did, I‘m tempted to make this year a Salinger reading year. More ⬇️

Jess_Read_This It‘s a real coming of age story in the mid 1990‘s New York. Where computers and emails were making their way into the workplace. Where Rakoff learns about credit card debt, student loans, wanting to write, having to pay the bills, dead end romance, sketchy apartment living, and the literary scene. Slight Foxed has republished this one. I definitely recommend! 4mo
LeahBergen I was thinking of buying that new Slightly Foxed edition! 4mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen It was a fascinating read! I‘m tempted to buy the Slightly Foxed one myself since this was a library copy. 4mo
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Ruthiella The early publishing experiences of the main character in Vintage Contemporaries reminded me of this book. Also, her awful boyfriend! I couldn‘t believe how long it took to realize he was a wastrel (except for I could believe it, having been young once 😆). 4mo
Leftcoastzen I remember loving this book, publishing stories I just love, and love Salingers books , maybe not so much the person 4mo
jlhammar I loved this book! 4mo
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Anna and Her Daughters | D.E. Stevenson
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I enjoyed this one immensely. I needed the soothing rhythm of Stevenson even though the circumstances the daughters are in were hardly soothing. I was disappointed in the loss of Anna as a character once she remarried. The tidy far too convenient way we reached the happy ending. And after rereading the passage, I‘m irked we aren‘t told what exactly was wrong with Helen? And I missed the witty acerbic Augusta Millard. #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub

Ruthiella Helen died of the novelistic disease of being “no better than she ought to be”. 4mo
LeahBergen Right?? Helen just faded away like a Regency woman who got her feet wet. 4mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella 😆😆 4mo
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Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen @Ruthiella 😂 I‘m going to need to see the ICD-10 medical billing codes for those conditions. That was really the part of the book that irritated me. I couldn‘t figure out if Stevenson was insinuating something due Helen‘s lifestyle, or was it a congenital condition that she didn‘t keep up on treatments, or was Stevenson at a loss herself how to end it so let‘s blame the French language barrier in Jane and the reader never knowing. 4mo
rubyslippersreads @Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 4mo
rubyslippersreads Were we supposed to think Helen had TB? 4mo
jlhammar Agree about wanting more Anna. She was such a interesting character in the first part of the book. 4mo
kwmg40 Good points in your review! I really enjoyed the book too but was also bothered by some of the things you mentioned. 4mo
CarolynM I thought consumption too @rubyslippersreads but I prefer @Ruthiella ‘s diagnosis🤣 4mo
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Anna and Her Daughters | D.E. Stevenson
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A dramatic scene that broke my heart for Rosalie! And left me wondering what exactly the timely “little red pill” was provided by Mother.

I‘m finishing this #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read at the eleventh hour! Then will backtrack to the discussion! 🥴

Aimeesue Just the generic little red pill 😂 4mo
Ruthiella It‘s the‘50s. No doubt tranquilizers were prescribed freely! 😬 4mo
Jess_Read_This @Aimeesue 😂 indeed! 4mo
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Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Such a different time! I found it so interesting how casually it was mentioned. But like you said, freely prescribed back then. 4mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella Probably big ol‘ over-the-counter horse tranquilizers. 😆 4mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen @Ruthiella Well, after Anna‘s talk about horses and blinders, you might not be far off 🤣 (edited) 4mo
LeahBergen 😆😆 4mo
quietjenn Good old Mother's Little Helpers 😉 4mo
batsy Yes! All those "little pills" back in the day. 4mo
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Cottage Sinister | Q. Patrick
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📬Recent bookmail.
Season of Snows has newlyweds torn apart by the war. While the husband is serving, the wife finds herself being pursued by the married partner at the firm where she works. Then her newly released POW husband returns. (Queue dramatic 🎶)
Cottage Sinister is one of the Quentin books that is co-written by a woman. And it sounds like a terrific read.
Doesn‘t this Belgian chocolate bar look like the perfect Middlebrow accompaniment?

rubyslippersreads I 💙 everything about this photo! 6mo
Ruthiella It does! 🍫🇧🇪😋👍 6mo
Aimeesue A perfect pairing of chocolate and books! 6mo
batsy Yes, it does! Too cute 😍🍫 6mo
LeahBergen Ooo, the books sound so good (and so does that chocolate)! 6mo
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4⭐️ The “tragic comedic elements often found in domestic relationships” (Guardian quote from her obituary) were indeed present in this novel. I found the writing acerbically funny, entertaining (see scene where teenagers throw house party), and reflective on stages of moving on in relationships. That being said, the ending disappointed me. To be fair, Mrs Fytton was always clear on her end aim. I, the reader, just didn‘t believe her.

Jess_Read_This Link to the Guardian obituary if anyone is interested: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/04/mavis-cheek-obituary 6mo
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Currently reading. My first Mavis Cheek novel and at 33 pages in, I know I‘ll be seeking out her others. Her writing so far is clever and relatable. Any one else read her novels and enjoy her work?


rubyslippersreads I‘ve only read this one, but definitely want to read more. 6mo
Tamra I‘ve not tried any, will check it out! 6mo
quietjenn Oo, I don't know her at all! 6mo
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batsy Haven't heard of her! This sounds delightful. 6mo
LeahBergen I‘ve been meaning to try one of her books for ages! 6mo
Jess_Read_This @rubyslippersreads the ending irked me. After all of her growth and learning. I mean, she taught herself how to make ale from hundreds year old diary.. and it was good ale. Planted a herb garden successfully with her two hands. Raised chickens. Traveled to South American for Christmas. Seemingly building a life for herself… and she becomes her ex husbands mistress in the end. I slammed the book shut. 6mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra @quietjenn @batsy @LeahBergen Don‘t read my spoiler comment above. It will ruin the novel. But I hope you all read it because I‘m dying to rehash the book and its ending! I thought it was very well written, acerbically funny, quirky characters, and not at all domestically driven as I expected. The Guardian called her writing tragic comedy (paraphrasing) but I can see it in this novel? 6mo
Jess_Read_This “Her novels celebrate her affection for the absurd alongside the tragic-comedic elements often found in domestic relationships – usually ones that disappointed” this is the Guardian quote about her writing in her obituary. 6mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This now I‘m really intrigued! I will try to find a copy. Edit - just ordered from the library. 😊 (edited) 6mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I can‘t wait to hear your thoughts on it. And to be able to talk about the ending. Which I guess that makes it a pretty decent novel if I‘m still mulling the ending over the next day? 6mo
rubyslippersreads For anyone who has Kindle Unlimited, most of her books (including this one) seem to be available there. I think that‘s how I discovered her. 6mo
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Murder While You Work | Susan Scarlett
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What stood out for me was the departure from family centered domesticity to outright family dysfunction in this Scarlett novel. The heroine isn‘t a beloved older daughter from a loving family, but a more worldly veteran of bombings, factory work, and trained in nursing on the job. The villain is pure evil. The victims undeserving and vulnerable- which was the hardest part of the book for me to read. Overall, a page turner on a blustery winter day.

jlhammar Great review! I agree, definitely a page-turner. And really interesting to get something a bit outside the formula of the other Scarlett novels we‘ve read. 6mo
kwmg40 Great observation about the family relationships. 6mo
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Tamra Fantastic review! Pure evil indeed. 6mo
quietjenn Very much agree, especially about the victims. 6mo
batsy Yes, well said! 6mo
Ruthiella Great review! And definitely a u-turn from the previous Scarlett books we‘ve read together. 6mo
LeahBergen Great review! I was totally onboard for this Scarlett departure and loved it. 😆 6mo
CarolynM You‘re right about how different this family is from the those in the other SS books we‘ve read. She did it just as well, though. 6mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar Thank you! I did rather like the change of pace and theme in this Scarlett novel. It felt more “grown up” in its tone. Probably due to murder and a more worldly heroine. (edited) 6mo
Jess_Read_This @kwmg40 Thank you! I think the relationships really stood out to me because the other Scarlett novels we‘ve blurred together for me. But I did recall the strong loving family foundations in her others. 6mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Right? She would have been the perfect Dateline documentary villain! 6mo
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn I really struggled with that. And even internally screamed “not the dog too!” No one was safe. Then my mind was worrying there was going to be some wild plot twist and the monster kid was the killer! 6mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy Thank you! 💛 6mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @LeahBergen I didn‘t expect the u turn to be quite so sharp of one! But I was very glad for it. I think the previous Scarlett novels we read were blurring together due to the similar themes. This one jolted me out of that! Though I was internally screaming “not the dog too!!” 6mo
Jess_Read_This @CarolynM I agree. I thought it was very well done. And such a shame she didn‘t write more suspense mystery novels. 6mo
julieclair Excellent review! And you are so right about the family relationships - great point. 6mo
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Cranford | Elizabeth Gaskell
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I spotted a well loved edition of Cranford in the library of Meadowbrook Hall. I asked the docent if the family read the books in the library or collected books. I was told the books were the family‘s books, they indeed read them, however, there was a secret staircase leading to a loft for the less visually appealing paperbacks. I said “Oh, the books they didn‘t want people seeing they read?” and the docent didn‘t find me funny. She said no.

DGRachel 😂 Yes. The answer is yes. (and I think that‘s hysterical) 7mo
rubyslippersreads Their guilty pleasures. 😂 7mo
Tamra 😂 The books we the little people read? Honestly, I vastly prefer paperbacks. 7mo
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Ruthiella Honestly if people were touring my home I would probably also only show the books I wanted people to be impressed by! 😂 7mo
LeahBergen 😆😆 The hidden Danielle Steels. 7mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella lol! Agreed. My kindle is the warehouse for my not so proud moment collection of books 🤣 6mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 🥴I might have a few of that genre hidden around the house. 6mo
Jess_Read_This @DGRachel Me too! 😂 6mo
Jess_Read_This @rubyslippersreads I‘ve definitely got my guilty pleasure reading too 😂 6mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra 😂 yes to us little people 6mo
Jess_Read_This Apologies for the late replies! Between the holidays and then Litsy not working for me (I kept getting a white screen), I was delayed in getting back to the app 6mo
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Mistletoe Malice | Kathleen Farrell
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“A stylish and penetrating comedy of manners: Chekhov with more cigarettes and English emotional frigidity..”

I happily was influenced by bookstagram to buy this one. But the book blurb on the back cover has me sold! Slipping in a holiday read under the wire it feels like. Where has December gone? And still, I‘ve managed to find the time to eat far too many Christmas cookies. 🎄

batsy That is an enticing blurb! 7mo
Tamra Yes, where has it gone? 7mo
Ruthiella Oh yeah! “English emotional fragility” would grab me too! 7mo
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Happy Mail from yesterday! It‘s something to look forward to when I rest my feet after hosting Thanksgiving today. 🧡 Anyone else get their copy?

LeahBergen Not yet but it should be here soon! 👏 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Yay! Getting the Foxed Quarterly really brings me joy in life. Something to look forward to instead of just bills/ads in the mail 😂 8mo
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Babbacombe's | SUSAN. SCARLETT
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So glad for the lovely #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub members that tagged me in all their lovely reviews. I immediately got hustling to participate and enjoyed the book immensely. I love reading books that make me smile while reading. The wholesomely sweet Carson family charmed me. Just the right amount of light suspense in a jealous cousin, young romance, and a happy Christmas ending was what I needed.

Tamra So glad you joined in! 💙 8mo
quietjenn It really was a lovely one. Glad you thought so too. 8mo
Ruthiella The Christmas ending turned out to be well timed for us! I think S. Scarlett is going to be a sure thing in the future. 😀 8mo
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Lizpixie I‘ve just bought my own copy so looks like I‘ll be joining for this one at least!💙 8mo
batsy Lovely review! That's great that there's a Christmas ending... Still hoping go squeeze it in before the month is out 🙂 8mo
LeahBergen The Christmas ending was just what I needed! 😊 8mo
CarolynM Lovely review 🙂 Susan Scarlett writes wonderful families! Hope you enjoy this sweet story @Lizpixie 8mo
jlhammar Great review! I agree, so enjoyable and that ending was perfect timing. 8mo
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My picks for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub May 2024 are a DSP published Golden Age Mystery by Annie Haynes and (I think Cate and I had Elizabeth Fair on the brain for 2024!) “Bramton Wick. I‘ll tag that book in the comments. Both are written by authors I‘ve been meaning to read for awhile now. Litsy doesn‘t have blurbs for either- I‘ve linked them below for plot descriptions 😄

Jess_Read_This Second Choice Tag: no blurb though. Will post link below. (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen Hey everyone! Jessica asked to throw in a DSP golden age mystery by a woman to see if we‘d be interested in that sort of thing. We DO only have a finite amount of Furrowed Middlebrows to choose from going forward! What do you all think? 8mo
Jess_Read_This Greylands plot described if everyone agrees to it: https://www.deanstreetpress.co.uk/pages/book_page/91 8mo
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LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This It‘s such a great cover, too! I‘m still deciding. 😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen I‘m really trying not to be biased but that plot dramatically has me intrigued 😂 8mo
Ruthiella I‘m down for a mystery! Though by my math, it will take us 13 years to read the FMB books left at 6 per year. 😆 (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella 13 years?? 😆😆 How many have we read together so far? 🤔 8mo
catebutler @Jess_Read_This Great minds!! 🥰 8mo
catebutler And this is so hard, both sound absolutely intriguing! So, on this one, I‘m going to say I‘m happy with whatever the vote is. And if Greylands isn‘t picked I will definitely be adding it to my TBR. 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella I guess it seemed like we had fewer to read because I had already read a bunch when we started. 😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @catebutler I‘m having trouble deciding too. Both are high on my want to read list! 8mo
quietjenn I've read the Fair, so am willing to branch out a bit and vote for Greylands. 8mo
Tamra Ooooooo Greylands is intriguing! 🥺 That‘s my pick. 8mo
Ruthiella @LeahBergen As a group, we‘ve read 19, starting with 8mo
CarolynM I‘m always interested in golden age mysteries, but in this case I‘m going to vote for 8mo
jlhammar I‘m torn! Very tempted by the golden age mystery with gothic vibes, but I‘ll throw my vote in for the domestic comedy 8mo
Tamra @jlhammar I‘m just going to download both 😂 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella That‘s pretty impressive! 8mo
LeahBergen I can see myself buying Greylands very soon but I‘ll be good and vote for the one I already own! 8mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m in favor of branching out to mysteries by women authors, so I‘ll pick Greylands. 8mo
elkeOriginal I already own Bramton so must vote for it. That is your own fault @Jess_Read_This 😉 8mo
julieclair Both sound really good, but for me, a slight edge goes to 8mo
batsy No objections at all to adding the Golden Age mysteries! And this one sounds so intriguing so my vote goes to it 8mo
Kimzey I am completely torn. I‘ll vote for Bramton Wick, but also love golden age mysteries. So, would be happy with either choice. 8mo
erzascarletbookgasm I love a golden age mystery but voting for the other one just because I own a copy.. 8mo
kwmg40 Could you please add me to the tag list? Thanks! Both sound good, but I'll give my vote to 8mo
Aimeesue I need more "deliciously malicious humour" in my life, so Brampton Wick it is! 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen could you double check my math? It looks like Greylands finished out ahead by one? Cate and I skipped voting because we were happy to read either one 😂 (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen No problem! I‘ll do another count before I create our reading schedule post. 👍 8mo
LeahBergen I‘ve counted twice and have it as a 7-7 tie. 😆 You can vote yourself to break the tie or else I‘ll do a coin toss. Which do you prefer? 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 🤣Glad you double counted! Coin toss please! Let‘s have fate decide! 8mo
LeahBergen Tails it is and Greylands wins! Just so you know how my day is going … I had to do the coin toss twice, too, as I fumbled and dropped it the first time. 😆😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen lol!! Our days must have been similar since I couldn‘t even do basic math correctly 😂 8mo
LeahBergen Just a usual sort of day in my world! 😆 8mo
julieclair Greylands turned out to be a wonderful pick! 👍 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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❄️I‘m very much looking forward to diving into this one. Simon Thomas always writes the best, most well informed, and interesting forwards to the British Library Women Writers series. Anyone else got this on order or have plans to read?

-It appears it hasn‘t been added to Litsy yet-
#britishlibrarywomenwriters #middlebrow

Tamra Oh, this looks great! 8mo
LeahBergen My copy has already arrived! 😆 I tried to tag this book, too, but no luck. 8mo
quietjenn Yes, I just heard about this book last week and am eagerly anticipating it for a cold night! 8mo
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Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen I was bummed it wasn‘t loaded in the database here. Glad you have a copy too. Hopefully we can compare notes on it! 8mo
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn So glad to hear you are getting a copy too! Hopefully we can compare notes on it! It‘s getting chillier here in Michigan which makes me think I‘ll be starting this one soon! 8mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I think so too! As soon as I saw the author list, I said “Take my money!” 💰 8mo
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Slightly Foxed | Slighty Foxed Limited
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🦊Friday evening unwind.

Looking forward to seeing everyone‘s weekend reading plans!

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Her sentence about having her “real life” just resonates. Summer is a lovely season. It also tends to be a busy social season. Routine is shifted, personal time is allocated differently, and I find my reading life has to become one I fight for in the summer months. It‘s nice to be able to shift in and out of real life for a bit.

The Happy Prisoner | Monica Dickens
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Saturday morning coffee, baklava, and the Raising the Middlebrow bookclub (on GR) July selection. Which I‘m told the cover of this book is atrocious in keeping with the plot. And a fellow member observed Dickens portrayal of post war life is very different than Panter-Downes‘ portrayal in One Fine Day (June read). All of which makes me eager to dive to see what it‘s all about. Has anyone else read this one? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Ruthiella Love that cover, even if it doesn‘t match the content. I‘ve not read any Monica Dickens but I‘ve heard good things and that she wrote very much from her own experiences. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella 😂 I liked the cover too. But I‘ve got some questions about a literal bleeding onion and fly. I didn‘t know that about her- writing from her own experiences. Which would be a fascinating comparison to Panter-Downes One Fine Day since I‘m guessing she wrote from hers. So perhaps two vastly different life experiences? Purely speculating since I haven‘t read it. But you‘ve sparked the research bug in me! 13mo
LeahBergen I haven‘t read her yet (but I‘ve somehow picked up a couple of her novels in my bookish wanderings 😆). 13mo
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Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 😂My wanderings are what brought me this edition. Someone on GR said it was one of her favorites of Dickens books which I was glad to hear since it‘s my first reading experience with her. 13mo
rubyslippersreads That cover is both beautiful and bizarre. 13mo
jlhammar That is quite the cover! I haven't read her yet, but have been meaning to get to Mariana. Look forward to your thoughts. That baklava looks amazing! 13mo
Jess_Read_This @rubyslippersreads I agree! I feel like cover artists in 1930/40s had so much artistic license? Nowadays it seems covers lean on fonts and color palettes 13mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar I am raving to anyone who will listen to me about this baklava. Actual pieces of pistachio and dripping in honey. I guess I‘ve never had good authentic baklava until today and it‘s life changing 😂 13mo
quietjenn It's *such*an odd cover - but striking! I do have this on my Kindle and will try to get to this month, although I'm pretty awful at participating in the GR group. I loved Mariana though and bought a few of her memoirs as well. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn Lauren from bookclub said she‘s read Mariana and really liked it. I am such a Monica Dickens newbie I didn‘t realize she has memoirs too. Hopefully you can participate this month! I‘d love to chat about it with you. But no worries if you can‘t, I know how it is to have too many books and too little time! 😂 13mo
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I am still slowly savoring May Sarton‘s words. She‘s got me contemplating the clusters of my life and finding comfort in the knowledge they occur. I am hoping to embrace a brief cluster of bookish solitude this weekend. 🌻💛

Summer Cooking | Molly O'Neill, Elizabeth David
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“After all, it is summer. You are on holiday. You are in the company of your own choosing. The air is clean. You can smell wild fennel and thyme, dry resinous pine needles, the sea. For my part, I ask no greater luxury. Indeed I can think of none”

O‘Neill says “I don‘t return to Elizabeth David to remember how to cook, I read her to remember how I wanted to live and why I learned to cook in the first place.” I completely agree.

Tamra Must read this too! 😍 13mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra It‘s very relaxing! Except it‘s also making me feel like snacking 😂 I wasn‘t hungry when I picked it up, but now I could eat. 13mo
LeahBergen I love Elizabeth David! 13mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen She‘s just such a relaxing read for me! 13mo
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The Witch Elm | Tana French
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I always have a bit of dread on a buddy read when I didn‘t enjoy the book. Especially when I didn‘t select it. This one falls into that uncomfortable bookish category for me.

I was kept interested in the whodunnit, but the characters didn‘t seem likable and the ending unbelievable. In a sensational sort of a way that left me disappointed. It was my first French novel so perhaps it wasn‘t the right one since she‘s so popular an author?

AlaMich It‘s not just you. I read In The Woods and found it just okay. I didn‘t like it enough to read another of her books. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @AlaMich Whew.. thank you for letting me know I‘m not alone in my “meh”-ness. I‘m not really feeling like reading another either. This one read as just okay for me too. 13mo
jlhammar This is my least fav French. Haven‘t read The Searcher yet, but did enjoy her Dublin Murder Squad series. I most enjoyed Broken Harbor, The Trespasser and Faithful Place. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar Ohh! Thank you for the recs! I figured there had to be better ones of hers due to her popularity. This one felt off to me and the detective questioning felt leading/weird. Thank you for letting me know which ones to try for another go at her books! 😄 13mo
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Loving Without Tears | Molly Keane
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📚📬Bookmail Day!

This one sounds like it could be a good bookclub or group read. Anyone read it?

#virago #middlebrow #viragobooks

Tamra No, but it sounds great! 13mo
jlhammar Lovely edition. I‘ve not read it yet, but loved Good Behaviour. Definitely want to give her others a try eventually. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar I haven‘t read Good Behavior either. I‘ve realized I‘ve got to try to get into a few of her novels this year. She‘s an author I haven‘t really read yet. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I thought so too! 13mo
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Review: 5⭐️ Run for a copy! All are part of the Kindle Unlimited program. And then I promptly treated myself to the set for my rereads. I couldn‘t put the books down, until the moments I was laughing too hard to keep reading. If you love a brave, cynical, witty heroine and an assorted cast of lovable friends, frenemies, and mortal enemies; this is your series! Emma‘s adventures while saving herself from ruin and grief will move you.

Tamra This looks fun! 13mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra This series has been one of my best reads so far this year. I‘ve never encountered an author quite like Brower. She‘s unpredictable, simultaneously light and deep in her themes/plots, hilarious, and uses many literary references as Emma rebuilds her bookshelf. If you decide to read the series, please let me know your thoughts! The first two are novellas and the rest novels. But definitely are read in order as they chronicle a entire year. 13mo
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Tamra @Jess_Read_This I am definitely intrigued! 😃 13mo
Cuilin I am intrigued. Stacked. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @Cuilin oh terrific! Once you read, let me know what you think 😄 13mo
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“Begin here. It is raining”

Aptly, it‘s raining here too. And as May describes the rain ticking at the window, I hear it too.

JanuarieTimewalker13 I love book synchronicity! 13mo
batsy I love this book! 13mo
MaureenMc I just started this book, too! 13mo
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Jess_Read_This @JanuarieTimewalker13 😊 Me too! It felt so right. 13mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy I‘m loving it so much. She makes a comment about not liking people feeling they are intimates with her after a prior book. And so much of what she‘s written in this one has resonated to my core that I fear I‘m falling into that category of admirer that she doesn‘t care for! It‘s my first encounter with Sarton. Have you read other books by her? 13mo
Jess_Read_This @MaureenMc oh wow! What a book coincidence! How are you liking it so far? I‘m loving it quite a bit. Have you read other books by her? I was telling my husband about what I loved so far and he asked how I learned of her. I wish I could remember who somewhere in book social media had posted about her so I could thank the person. 13mo
MaureenMc @Jess_Read_This I‘m not very far into it, but I‘m enjoying it. This is my first of hers I‘ve read. I can‘t remember how I heard of her either! Maybe Nancy Pearl? Or Modern Mrs Darcy/What Should I Read Next? 13mo
batsy @Jess_Read_This I'd forgotten she made that comment 😁 I'm due for a reread I think because I found it very comforting, like a balm, even though she doesn't sugarcoat any aspect of life. This is the only one I've read and I should fix that. I bought it years ago because someone recommended it to read when I was dealing with grief. Not to be corny but it was one of those books that saved me ❤️ 13mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy I don‘t think you sound corny at all about it saving you. I‘m so glad you found it when you most needed it ❤️ I agree so much with you on finding it to be a balm. It‘s been that way for me. I needed this book and after two library renewals in, I know I need to buy a copy. (edited) 13mo
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I won‘t stoop to calling her a “windbag” like one reviewer did. She was 89 when she wrote this. She‘s entitled to a bit of a droning on. My disappointment was in the lack of sharing about her editor days and bookish tidbits. But that fault lies with me; the book never promised that. Overall, glad to have read it. Yet, I can‘t quite recommend it. Left it in a Free Library stand with the hopes someone else loves it more than I did. ⬇️

Jess_Read_This Also, I struggled with the on repeat stories of dealing with lack of sex, relationships, cheating, etc. We have different values but I appreciated learning from her on why she came to hers. She gives a good defense of her positions. 13mo
Ruthiella I‘ve not read it, but as I understand it, this is the memoir where she gets in to the details of her publishing career 13mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Back from a long hiatus combined with a Savannah, GA trip. Which is never complete unless I visit the bookshop cats at E.Shaver (subsequent purchases ensue) and The Booklady Bookshop where luck brought me two Virago green spines.

Chelsea.Poole Beautiful photo! 13mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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3⭐️ and not even in the Litsy database. I wanted to like this one and did for the first half. Then the story seemed to have lost its way. Morton writes out a main character unexpectedly. The rest of cast wallows in their emotions and engages melodramatically in classist behavior. It was a shame because the plot was original and building upon nature vs nurture.

#jessreads2023 #vintageread #bookreview

LeahBergen Too bad (because it‘s pretty 😆). 1y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 🤣 That‘s why I bought it! The blurb really told me nothing about the plot so because of the cover I took an expensive Abebooks gamble. 1y
LeahBergen Oh, I know those gambles so well. 😆 1y
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Wine of Honour | Barbara Beauchamp
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As @Ruthiella mentioned, it‘s a fast read once picked up! I was absorbed in needing resolutions to each of the characters‘ stories. Angela‘s struggle with trying to help Peter knowing the correct societal norm would be to marry yet she‘s got a brilliant career ahead of her was moving. She‘s lived a life and has one ahead of her. Beauchamp‘s portrayal of the mental and physical results of the war on soldiers along with the impact of their return ⬇️

Jess_Read_This Was raw, insightful, and bleakly honest at times. Both the military serving men and women returned to a life that is both foreign and familiar. It was beautifully written for me. I appreciated the transparency in her writing on infidelity. I also loved how we end the story in the same setting as we began it. Just altered and more the wiser for some of the characters. I loved some get their HEA and we hope for the same for the others. 1y
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Kimzey Great review! 1y
Jess_Read_This Dick‘s struggle with a head injury and how it‘s impacted his ability to regulate emotions really made me sad for his young wife. His anger at the system and inability to hold a job was hard to reading knowing the effect it will have on the future generation. I had my fingers crossed for the entire Cobb family in the end when he‘s back working at the pub. Sadly, I struggled with sympathy for Laura. Did anyone else feel similarly? 1y
Jess_Read_This @Kimzey Thank you! 1y
batsy Lovely review. I didn't quite fully like Laura or Helen, but I felt sympathetic for both. And I kind of wanted Laura to have a happy ending or at least a romance of her own. 1y
Jess_Read_This @batsy Yes! That‘s a good way of putting it. I couldn‘t fully like either either. After about 90 pages, I wanted to tell both of them to just get on with it already. They seemed never fully committed. Maybe that‘s part of the point Beauchamp was trying to make in showing all the varying characters‘ responses to post war life. I wanted Laura to escape that cottage and her father. Find love and just be happy. Instead, she seems to be turning bitter? 1y
Cathythoughts I love your review ❤️. I really enjoyed this one 👍🏻 1y
Ruthiella Great review! I liked that the book had realistic if less than perfect outcomes for most of the characters. But she left it open enough to allow for our imaginations to fill in their futures. 1y
jlhammar Glad you liked it. I appreciated Angela's story line as well. I loved that we got so many different experiences and personalities (even if it did leaving me wanting more in some cases). Fantastic review and lovely photo! 1y
LeahBergen Great review! I was really rooting for Dick to do well at the pub and I felt a bit irritated by Laura‘s limpness. 😆 1y
CarolynM Great review! I think Laura liked being told what to do. In the services the direction was a lot more constructive. I suspect she will be somewhat lost when her father dies. 1y
quietjenn Terrific review and such a pretty picture. I particularly appreciate you calling out Angela's story, as it's the one that has stuck with me the most. 1y
Jess_Read_This @Cathythoughts Thank you! I‘m glad this one got selected for our group read. I very much enjoyed it as well. 1y
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Well said! I think what made it impactful on me was the less perfect outcomes since Beauchamp really was speaking to the realistic post war outcomes. Thank you for pointing that out! 1y
Jess_Read_This @CarolynM Thank you! That‘s a good observation about Laura. I‘m glad we discussed her character more because it‘s helped me see her more sympathetically. 1y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Thank you! I was so glad reading that sentence about him being back working in the pub after running out on his wife. Even though he was abrasive and honestly, just awful in scenes, I still felt sympathy because I wasn‘t sure what was due to head injury or not. We never really see how he was as a person pre-war. 1y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn @jlhammar Angela is the character that resonated with me. She‘s judged by other females in the book, successful professionally, kind, and seems so comfortable in her skin. So when it seems like she pauses in her rhythm and considers Peter as commitment material, it stuck out to me. As if she pauses and considers doing what all the women around her do: get married. That scene in her apt, where Peter sees the photos of her in ⬇️⬇️⬇️ (edited) 1y
Jess_Read_This St Tropez and Singapore (? )with other men in her travels, really stood out to me that she has lived. She‘s been actively building a professional and personal life. And the whole time reading, I was wishing for her not to settle for the drunk who can‘t pay the housekeeper and lies to her face about it. I still felt sympathy for Peter. His brother‘s comment about the Navy and his “homosexual” leaning made me think Peter drinks to cope/forget. 1y
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“Gardeners are simply custodians, each handing on the tradition of stewardship, of protecting the land and caring for the ground, until the next generation succeeds us”

This resonated with me. Holt‘s gorgeous writing and passion for native plants spoke to my plant loving heart. I could identify with her efforts in hacking back the wilderness of an overgrown plot and transforming it into a fragrant colorful paradise. Marvelous! #jessreads2023

Aimeesue Lovely shot! 💜 2y
Jess_Read_This @Aimeesue Thanks! My lavender plants are languishing in the garage while they overwinter here in Michigan. I had to use my faux flowers to spruce up the photo! 2y
Aimeesue @Jess_Read_This poor lavender plants. . . Mine are hardy enough to stay outside here, but we're a bit warmer in Virginia than you are in MI. I'm looking forward to spring - the bees love them so much! 2y
jlhammar Lovely photo! Sounds wonderful. Have you read this one yet? I loved reading about Mrs. Todd's herb garden in coastal Maine. 2y
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar I haven‘t read or heard of that one before! I think I‘d like it. I have been wanting to read a Maine setting book after traveling there and falling in love with the coast. This one sounds perfect! (edited) 1y
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The Winter is Past | Noel Streatfeild
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4⭐️ As an aspiring seasonal reader, the title caught my eye. Fresh off of my first Susan Scarlett novel, I was curious how this compares. This one is less romance more focus on family dynamics during the beginning of WW2 and the impact of taking an evacuee family in. The main female lead is selfish and immature (imo) but experiences character growth. She has conflict with her husband and carries it over to her in laws. ⬇️ #jessreads2023

Jess_Read_This The evacuee family brought a bit of humor and sass to the story. They also brought sadness in the end. Overall, I enjoyed the book up until the ending. It was as if Streatfeild had a pile of plot strings and just jumbled it together calling it a tidy ending. Content Warning: Pregnancy Loss along with dated mental health advice on it. 2y
LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves. 👍 2y
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A 2023 reading goal is to always have a nonfiction or biography running simultaneously with my fiction reading. This 2nd 2023 bio read conversationally while slipping into a Who‘s Who List on influential people Chanel mingled with. To sum it up, Chanel was mysterious, inventive, prone to mixing truth with omission and embellishment in the story of her life. Chaney tried to piece it together but it‘s very surface level and speculative at times. ⬇️

Jess_Read_This However, I was left knowing more about Chanel and the origins of No.5 than I did prior to the book. 5 was her lucky number and one of her first collections was launched on 5/5. I lost count of her affairs. She loved art, ballet, opera, and decor. She seemed unfulfilled as she lost loves and friends. Turning to morphine and sedatives, she was lonely. Yet she remained a trendsetting force. A fascinating life. #jessreads2023 (edited) 2y
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Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie
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“She has a powerful imagination, and systemically thinks the worst of everyone.
‘The typical elderly spinster, in fact,” said Melchett with a laugh. “Well, I ought to know the breed by now. Gad, the tea parties down here!”

I couldn‘t put it down! I meant to read it slowly for the #goldenagecrimeclub discussion at the end of the month. It was too fantastic of a read. The Vicar as a narrator and an unknowing Watson to Miss Marple was perfect.

Ruthiella I‘ve read this multiple times and am looking forward to reading it again for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub ! 🕵🏼‍♂️ 2y
LeahBergen Lovely photo! 😊 2y
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quietjenn I love your little church! I'm looking forward to revisiting this one. 2y
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Yay! I think we are going to have lots to chat about in the club discussion at the end of the month. 2y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Thank you! ❤️ 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn Thank you! The church is actually an old Christmas tree ornament that my grandfather had on his tree when he was a little boy. I don‘t know much else about it and the string at the top broke off, so now I place it on the fireplace mantel at Christmas. I‘ve got to put my decor away this weekend 😬 2y
quietjenn @Jess_Read_This oh, that makes it even lovelier 💙 I just packed up my Christmas things today (although they're still sitting by the basement door, waiting to be taken downstairs). 2y
batsy Pretty! I'm looking forward to revisiting this (again 😁) this month. It's such a satisfying Marple story. 2y
Texreader Great photo!! 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn I love Christmas decor but sometimes it‘s also a great nice fresh feeling when it‘s all down. I try to leave the white lights up through January and call them winter lights 😂 I need some cozy light in January 2y
Jess_Read_This @batsy I like how you mentioned it‘s a “satisfying Marple story”. That is exactly how I felt in the end, just so satisfied. 2y
Mitch Yeah! I‘m glad we‘re kicking off our #goldenagecrimeclub with a good one! 2y
jlhammar My copy is on the way. Looking forward to it! 2y
Jess_Read_This @Mitch So much great discussion worthy material! 2y
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar yay!! I can‘t wait to discuss it with you! 2y
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“Again I called. ‘Miss Hargreaves-Miss Hargreaves-‘ “

This was a pure pleasure to read. I felt thrust into a whirlwind of dizzying action following Norman‘s experiences with a creation from his imagination, Miss Hargreaves. His fibs have turned into a reality and now he‘s got to control his creation, before she controls him? It‘s comedic gold and yet, I read it with suspense in having to know how it ends! I hope to read more Frank Baker in 2023.

quietjenn This is high on my list of books I want to get to this year! 2y
Jess_Read_This @quietjenn It was really good! I laughed out loud many times. The pace is fast too. A few times I felt as if my own head was swirling like Norman‘s seems to when Miss Hargreaves bursts around and is utterly outrageous. 2y
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Tamra I know I liked this one, but all the details escape me, sadly! 🤪 2y
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I‘m like that too! One detail that I won‘t forget because I snorted out loud in laughter was the scene in the Cathedral. She shows up while he‘s practicing and half takes over the organ. She‘s telling him to play the hymn slower or how else can her soul hark? 😂 2y
Tamra @Jess_Read_This 😂 good one 2y
LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves. 👏 2y
quietjenn @Jess_Read_This it sounds like great fun. 2y
batsy Great review! @LeahBergen Me too 🙌🏾 2y
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