This was a unique #aliceinwonderlandretellingchallenge read. This combined both Grimms fairytales and Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. Fast paced and full of action highly recommend this one
This was a unique #aliceinwonderlandretellingchallenge read. This combined both Grimms fairytales and Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. Fast paced and full of action highly recommend this one
Always love Alice, so I'm giving a try with this one #wonderland #silly #fantasy ❤️ can't go wrong with the Cheshire Cat and Mad Hatter!
This months Lit-Cube theme was Through the Looking Glass! I can't wait to give this book a read! I was so excited about this box I practically accosted the mailman to get my hands on it. Look for my full review on RegularlyReads.com later tonight 😍
"I'm not some broad." Snow White took the cigar out of the Gingerbread Man's mouth and stamped it out. "I'm Snow White." "Doll, you're in for a heap a'trouble when Red Riding finds out about this. -I received this book in my Lit-Cube monthly subscription and it does't seem like my kind of book, yet
Got this in my litcube this week. Love the cover!
This month's Lit-Cube has arrived... And it is full of awesome!
Lit-Cube May box just came in today! Theme is Through the Looking Glass and I LOVE my shirt!!!