When I bought these books I was more excited about new Cecelia Ahern but The Butcher's Hook has surpassed any possible expectations. Jane Austen meets Gone Girl for sure.
When I bought these books I was more excited about new Cecelia Ahern but The Butcher's Hook has surpassed any possible expectations. Jane Austen meets Gone Girl for sure.
I planned on reading Three Dark Crowns tonight but I need to know what happens next! So Siege and Storm it is 😍😂!
This is next on my TBR, after Three Dark Crowns. Unless I just can't wait to read the Grisha series 😂.
This edition of the Anne of Green Gables series is stunning. Anne of Windy Poplars is my favourite cover of the collection 😍🍁🍂.
I'm so excited about this series! After reading Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, I can't wait to dive even further into the Grisha world 😍
I had a half day at work so I've spent my afternoon relaxing and writing for #nanowrimo 🤓.
Yes, yes and yes. I love this book. It is everything 😍. I actually sat amazed at Leigh Bardugo for consistently keeping me on my toes and closing the story with flawless grace.
I met VE Schwab today and it was magical 😊😍.
After I finish Crooked Kingdom tonight I'm going to dive into this beautiful darling 😍.
So excited to meet Victoria Schwab on Thursday at the Chapter Indigo event! I love meeting the creators of my favourite characters 😍.
A stunning read for a chilly autumn day🍁🍂. Seriously, this book is so on point. Definitely setting the standard for LGBTQ YA fiction.
I can't believe it took me so long to read this book. I'm in love 😍😍.
A crisp yet slightly rainy autumn day, perfect day for reading 🍁🍂. •
Who's reading along with @thewayfaringbookworm and I for #wayfaringreadsthethousandthfloor!!?
It's almost the end of week two! We'll be discussing up to page 219 this weekend. I am liking it so far, definitely a nice change from all the heavy fantasy I've been reading lately.
I'm FINALLY starting Six of Crows tonight 🤓. It's been a long time coming and I'm more than ready for it!
I'm so excited to announce that the absolutely stunning @thewayfaringbookworm and I will be hosting a #readalong this month! Use the tag #WayfaringReadsTheThousandthFloor to join in the chat and to enter the contest at the end of the re-along (prizes to be announced). Hint: They will be pretty awesome👌🏻😉.
For more details about what we're reading when, check out my blog post! http://ow.ly/bzIS304P4Xf
October makes #socksunday next level🍂🍁
Is the #TheThousandthFloor by @katharinemcgee sitting in your TBR pile? Get excited because the incredible @thewayfaringbookworm and I have something planned that will have you moving it to the top of your TBR pile and cracking the spin (not that we actually crack book spins, it's blasphemy) 😉🎉. Stay tuned for details coming soon 🤓.
I picked up these awesome covers from Chapters the other day. I'm in love 😍.
This has been on my TBR since April and I can't believe I waited SO long to read it!
I loved it! The mythology, the world building and one badass lady-boss! I can't wait until book two comes out next year 😍!!
My ideal Sunday Funday 😄🎉!!
Finally getting around to some of my TBR that's been waiting since April...
Because who can resist floating continents in the sky as a synopsis?
Did I enjoy this book? Yes. Would I read a sequel? Probably not.
Read my full review on the blog 🤓
Isn't this cover gorgeous😍!? I couldn't resist it. Stunning debut novel.
Inspired by a binge of Black Sails 😍.
So many great books came out from Harlequin Teen this summer 😍
No but seriously, I'm in love with this book. And VE Schwab.
Time travel + historical fiction = Susanna Kearsley Magic
Lireal is one of my favourite characters, I feel like we grew up together and I'm so excited for Goldenhand to come out in October 😍!!
One of my big bookish pet peeves is a book that has an incredible concept but fails in 1st person execution. There are a lot of wonderful 1st person books out there, a few of my favourites actually. But my biggest pet peeve is immature, under developed 1st person. Unfortunately for me, Miss Peregrine's falls in that category. Stunning concept, great book atmosphere, horrible 1st person narrative. I wanted to love this series but I just can't 😓
This book was one of my first marketing projects as an intern at HarperCollins and Cathy Marie Buchanan was one of the first authors I ever had the chance to have a long chat with. So it holds a very special place in my heart.
I feel like this book/series should be getting more hype than it already is. I mean...Emma Watson has signed on for the movie adaptation! That makes everything super exciting 😍🎉!!
In July I took Rebel of the Sands by @alwynhamilton on a kayaking trip and read it in interesting places. It was incredible.
In July I took Rebel of the Sands by @alwynhamilton on a kayaking trip and read it in interesting places. It was incredible.
I'm a little late to the Harry Potter Party 🙃🤓!! I finally got my copy and can't wait to dive into my favourite world.
The Unquiet was the only book (other than This Savage Song) that I bought in July. My book buying ban was ALMOST successful this month. Almost.
So many excellent series with books coming out in the next year 😍
Attachments might be my favourite Rainbow Rowell book. I love Lincoln and Beth 😍
I finally finished This Savage Song!! I'll be posting a review on my blog later this week. Spoilers: 😍
Who's ready for A Torch Against the Night!!? I'm rereading while I wait 😍
Maven is the worst. Maybe not capital letter The Worst. But he's the worst. That word has now lost all meaning. The point is, he is terrible and will never be redeemed in my eyes.
Wild horses couldn't drag me away from Avonlea this afternoon. Comfort reading at its finest 😊.