A good one to get me out of a reading funk I seem to have wandered into. Elizabeth George can usually pull me out!
A good one to get me out of a reading funk I seem to have wandered into. Elizabeth George can usually pull me out!
I've been floundering around with my reading. Nothing is sticking. I've stated and stopped 4 books already. Today I searched and searched to see what might be what I'm looking for to fill this emptiness... Years ago I was given the suggestion of Elizabeth George to pull me from my slump back then. So I decided to try one that I haven't read yet since she is always great at pulling me out of my slump.
#funphotofriday I'm not a big sports lover, I've never played sport & the only sport I've watched has been soccer, coz my kids played and rugby league. So the only book about sport I could find, other than quidditch, is this Inspector Lynley novel about a famous English cricketer who gets murdered. Best I could do I'm afraid, nerd from birth, that's me.