Not sure if this counts, since I'm in the process now. But, I'm taking this book as recommended: one entry per day for a year. So far, I'm loving it!!
Not sure if this counts, since I'm in the process now. But, I'm taking this book as recommended: one entry per day for a year. So far, I'm loving it!!
#funphotofriday #alienabduction I would have to bring The Count of Monte Cristo, my all time favorite book, since it is long and perfect for an adventure!👽📖
#FunPhotoFriday The closest book at hand is not long enough to sustain me on a flight through space. I can only hope it's good enough to be reread! 👽🤖
#RiotGrams #Freebie #FunPhotoFriday
I attend a monthly mandala workshop. Today we seeded mandala journals. Here's a page from mine that includes a card from an old card catalog. ❤📚
I've been absent because it's been a pretty difficult week for me, but I snuck out of work a bit early to curl up on the couch with this nugget and a book that has to go back to the library soon. #selfcare #funphotofriday
Sometimes, you just feel like reading a book of dogs dressed like hipsters... 🐶☕️ #ReadJanuary #currentlyreading #FunPhotoFriday
My favorite movie adaptation for #FunPhotoFriday comes from my favorite class in college.
My women's lit class was called "Women, Life Writing, and Food," and we read both these books at about the time the movie was being filmed. I liked Powell's memoir much more than Julia Child's "My Life In France," and if I'm honest, really didn't care for Child's self-aggrandizing at all. But in the movie, as usual, Meryl is perfect.
99% of the time the book is better, but there are a tiny few that are inconceivably better. This adaption of Persuasion was like the book walked off the pages; The Princess Bride was better than the original, inconceivable it may be, but I fully credit the casting, director, & actors; and for Jurassic the CGI & animatronics added up to pure movie magic that allowed a part of your imagination to roam free, on the screen at least!