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Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit
Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit | P. G. Wodehouse
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When Jeeves came in with the shaker, I dived at it like a seal going after a slice of fish and drained a quick one, scarcely pausing to say 'Skin off your nose.' The effect was magical. Wooster the timid fawn became in flash Wooster the man of iron will, ready for anything. But Bertie Wooster is under attack - Jeeves disapproves of his new moustache and 'Stilton' Cheesewright is threatening to tear him limb from limb. Will Jeeves display the feudal spirit as crisis dawns?
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. This is a tough one. My shortlist would be - 😄😁🤣😂😐😑🙄. If I had to guess the one I use most, I'd probably say 😄. Not quite laughing myself to tears, more like I just heard something wry and witty.

2. Anything by Wodehouse. I'll say the tagged book, because it's the first one of his I read.

Tag: @RaeLovesToRead @dabbe @CBee @BarbaraBB @Ruthiella @Suet624 @andrew61 @rwmg

TheSpineView I need to read this book and 1K others I own! Thanks for playing! 12mo
CBee Thanks for the tag 😊 12mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 🖤🧡🖤 12mo
RaeLovesToRead Or are about to take a big bite of a doughnut! 😄🍩 12mo
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead I think that just looks like I'm happy to see the doughnut 😄 12mo
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Bertie is called to Aunt Dahlia‘s country house to help her deal with a troublesome house guest. While there he accidentally gets engaged, must dodge a “friend” who wants to break his spine and ends up with pearls that don‘t belong to him. Thankfully Jeeves is there to help everyone out of their trouble.

Crazeedi You know, I've never read this author, always heard so much, I think I have one on my shelf! 1y
AmyK1 @Crazeedi I always save his books for when I need a lighthearted read. You should definitely give him a try! 1y
Crazeedi @AmyK1 I definitely need lighthearted!💞 1y
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The very first Wooster and Jeeves book I ever bought, to accompany me on a long bus trip. Might still be my favorite of the bunch, if only for nostalgic reasons. Jeeves' muted rage at Wooster's decision to grow a mustache, Florence's decision to dump Stilton Cheesewright because he refuses to grow a mustache...any novel where so much depends on the question of whether or not to grow facial hair is all right by me 😄

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