I enjoyed this, but I'm not completely confident in my ability to understand Shakespeare.
I enjoyed this, but I'm not completely confident in my ability to understand Shakespeare.
"Give the devil his due" and "band of brothers" were both phrases coined by Shakespeare in Henry V. Anyone notice others?
Act 1, Scene 2: I love how Canterbury gives a long winded recital of the paltry legal justification he has managed to come up with for Henry V to invade and take over a sovereign nation. Henry's quick ascent makes it clear he was just looking for an excuse despite his expressed concern for how many people will die.
The leaves are changing where I live right now, plus we have Western Larch trees that turn a gorgeous orange along mountain sides.
I love homemade chili and homemade hot cocoa in the fall. Not together.
I just got a random pack of thrillers from the library, plus reading Dracula, Pride and Prejudice adaptations, and the tagged Shakespeare this month.
@MoonWitch94 #thoughtfulthursday @I.be.Stef
Look. There‘s a reason not many ppl would say the Histories are their faves. This is obvs wonderfully written & has memorable lines, the Prologue is a great feature, Henry himself is a deep & complex character. In general, it‘s a good play. But “good” is as good as it gets here. For one, monologue overload! ONCE MORE UNTO THE LONG ASS SPEECH. & for me, the political/battle stuff was just kinda bland. The comic scenes felt odd, too. Eh. 3/5 ⭐️
A speaker is but a prater, a rhyme is but a ballad, a good leg will fall, a straight back will stoop, a black beard will turn white, a curled pate will grow bald, a fair face will wither, a full eye will wax hollow, but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and the moon, or rather the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes but keeps his course truly.
Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin
As self-neglecting.
I started my “one Shakespeare read/reread per month” project last Spring, and this is the first of the Histories I‘ve picked up. They‘re just generally not as interesting to me as the others, though I‘ve seen a film of this one (or at least part of it) and it was good. I‘ve read the first act and definitely need to also have a Cliffs Notes kinda thing up on my computer to help figure out all the political/military stuff 😬 #nowreading
Oh the many monologues. This was a hard one to read. Somewhat boring too.
I admit that I had never read any Shakespeare at all till this book. I read it first after seeing the Kenneth Branagh movie and it made the book much easier to read having the movie context in my mind. I love this book! I reread it every so often just to relive the Battle of Agincourt!