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Daughters of Ruin
Daughters of Ruin | K. D. Castner
4 posts | 6 read | 8 to read
Game of Thrones meets Graceling in a thrilling debut that follows the four fierce princesses of enemy kingdoms as their worlds collide in the throes of war.Rhea, Cadis, Suki, and Iren have lived together since they were children. They are called sisters. They are not. They are called equals. They are not. They are princessesand they are enemies. Not long ago, a brutal war ravaged their kingdoms, and Rheas father was the victor. As a gesture of peace, King Declan brought the daughters of his rivals to live under his protectionand his ever-watchful eye. For ten years the girls have trained together as diplomats and warriors, raised to accept their thrones and unite their kingdoms in peace. But there is rarely peace among sisters. Sheltered Rhea was raised to rule everyoneincluding her sistersbut shes cracking under pressure. The charismatic Cadis is desperately trying to redeem her people from their actions during the war. Suki guards deep family secrets that isolate her, and quiet Irens meekness is not what it seems. All plans for peace are shattered when the palace is attacked. As their intended futures lie in ashes, Rhea, Cadis, Suki, and Iren must decide where their loyalties lie: to their nations, or to each other.
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Daughters of Ruin | K. D. Castner

This book had such promise. SUCH. PROMISE. And just... fell flat for me. I hate being harsh on books, but I felt like while the plot had potential the characters fell flat and the growth was weird and then the book ended and I was like, “sequel time!” But the joke was on me because there is no sequel, and there doesn‘t seem to be a plan for one, and there are just so many loose strings by the end of it that I felt very unsatisfied.

Daughters of Ruin | K. D. Castner
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It‘s not my fault I swear.... ok ok I have a problem. #bookoutlet #blameitonlitsy #ineedmoretimetoread

Andrew65 Those pesky books do have a habit of jumping into our hands! 6y
NovelGirl82 The Crown‘s Game & The Girl From Everywhere are two of my favorite series (duologies?)!! I hope you enjoy them!! 6y
CoverToCoverGirl That darn cat is at the keyboard again! 😂 6y
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TheLibrarian Great haul! 6y
Gissy Let me know how you like Daughters of the Ruin and The Fog Diver. 6y
ReadingsByTheC Great picks! 6y
MaeMaeLu Really enjoyed the Girl from Everywhere! 6y
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Daughters of Ruin | K. D. Castner
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I received one of my random buys today after a super rough day. Daughters of Ruin, one of the reasons I picked it up was due to a recommendation to read, wanting to review it for myself and... Umm Charlie Bowater artwork anyone?
What are some of your random book buys?
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Daughters of Ruin | K. D. Castner

This one really disappointed me 😰

brainsbooksandbrawn Oh noI have this on my TBR for review. 8y
MyFriendsAreFiction Ooooh noooo :/( I had high hopes for this 8y
readwritelove28 I know!!! I was really looking forward to this one but it just didn't work for me :( 8y
brainsbooksandbrawn I need to hurry up and get to my April ARCs and see how I feel. 8y
Mommamanzi Just finished it. Meh about it as well. I felt like it was very choppy and too wordy. 6y
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